Christmas Extra

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The soft jingle of bells sounded outside the kitchen window, coupled with the inviting, although sudden, scent of holly. Sudden, as if someone had grabbed an air freshener and spritzed it through Harry's open window while flying past. Which they had. Thirty two times in the past week.

Harry gritted his teeth as he watched the enchanted toy santa zoom into the distance, yelling "Ho, ho, ho" aggressively behind him. One of the wizards or witches in the area had decided to get into the spirit of the season with enough zest for the entire community, and their menagerie of magical decorations – invisible to muggles – was getting a little out of hand the closer they drew to the 25th.

Malfoy stepped up behind Harry, startling him. Malfoy moved so quietly these days that Harry was forever getting a surprise when he entered or exited a room.

"Morning," Harry said.

"Mph," Malfoy grunted in reply.

Harry frowned, but Malfoy was too busy staring at his tea to notice.

"I was going to do some shopping later, if you wanted to come," Harry said warily.

The now familiar blank look slid across Malfoy's face. Harry bit his tongue to prevent himself from acknowledging the expression. He knew that if he asked Malfoy what was wrong, Malfoy would only become more brooding and less inclined to talk. Besides, there was no point in asking. Harry knew what was wrong. Six years of sitting across from Malfoy in the Great Hall, watching care package after care package delivered for every occasion – particularly seasonal holidays – meant he'd have to be an idiot not to know.

The problem was that he didn't know what to do with the knowledge. His relationship experience was painfully limited. His relationship experience with Malfoy was still so absurd that the prospect of offering comfort for something so intense left him feeling mildly ridiculous. Malfoy had led them to where they were now. With Malfoy withdrawing from him, Harry had no idea where to move from here. He sighed and stood up.

"I might go now," he said. "Try and beat the crowds."

Malfoy nodded, but said nothing. Harry left him at the table and moved to the fireplace, thinking vaguely of Flooing Ginny to see if she was free to help him. He changed his mind at the last second and Floo'd Hermione instead.

"You still haven't done your Christmas shopping?" Hermione asked reprovingly. "Harry, there's only one week until Christmas!"

"Haven't finished shopping," Harry corrected her. "I've got most of it." He paused. "Well, some of it. Anyway, did you want to come or not?"

Hermione sniffed. "Well, I have to exchange Dad's present, since it was faulty. So sure, I'll come."

"Thanks, Hermione." Harry beamed. "I'll meet you outside the Leaky Cauldron in ten minutes."

Hermione gave him a final look and withdrew from the fire.

In the hallway, Harry paused. Should he go and say goodbye to Malfoy? Hermione was so much better at this stuff. He'd ask her. He walked out the front door and apparated to the Leaky Cauldron.

While he was waiting for Hermione, he decided to check his list.

Ron – Quidditch?

Ginny – Advanced charms spellbook

Hermione – Not a book.

Mrs Weasley – Lady Levina's Perfect Perfume

Mr Weasley – Muggle television

Hagrid – Something that won't kill him...

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