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Jimin's POV

I came back home to find myself dripping wet. It rained so suddenly and being my stupid self, I didn't bring an umbrella. Seokjin-hyung yelled at me for being careless and not bothering to text him where I was.

Then he apologized for yelling, saying that he just cared for me and my health. What a wonderful hyung he is. And that makes me a bit jealous.

Maybe that's what Hye Jin wanted me to be. Caring, loving, and an honest guy. Like Seokjin-hyung.

But then, who is she to tell me what I need to be? This is my life, and I make my own decisions.

Yeah, but you love her so much. You'll do anything just to see her, even if it means to change yourself.


I sighed and went to my room, locking the door. Just when I was about to go to the bathroom to wash myself from the rain, I heard a soft knock on my door. Sighing again, I opened it and saw Jungkook.

He had a pouty face and bit his lip.

"Jimin-hyung, where did you go?" He asked and looked at my eyes. I avoided eye contact and shook my head.

"Nowhere. Please leave, I need to shower..." I muttered and tried to push him outside, but he held himself back.

"I won't ask again hyung, but I think I know why you left."

Well that certainly got my interest.

I rose an eyebrow at him, "I'm listening."

"It's about Hye Jin, am I right?"

I bit my lip and nodded.

"Hyung," he hugged me tightly and looked at me. "You don't need to hide what you feel for her. I know, you still love her. The hyungs and I don't really know where she went, we contacted her multiple times but she never replies, and blocked our numbers,"

That's it, I don't think I can find her.

"But if you really, really love her, you'll do anything just to find her. Am I right? Even if it means to risk your life, just to see a glimpse of her."

I was shocked at what he said. He was the maknae, yet he knows so much more than I do.

I nodded at him then sighed. "But where will I find her? Like what you said, she blocked your numbers. How can we contact her?"

Jungkook smiled and patted my back. "There is always a way, Jimin-hyung. Always."

I was dumbfounded by what he said and he left my room. His words were still ringing inside my head.

But if you really, really love her, you'll do anything just to find her. Am I right?

Yes, Jungkook. You're right. You're absolutely right.

"Jiminie, wake up. I made breakfast."

I opened my eyes and heard a knock on the door. Heading out of my bed, I opened the door which revealed a smiling Seokjin-hyung holding a tray full of food.

I smiled weakly and welcomed him inside as he placed the tray on my desk.

He headed for the door but he whispered something in my ear, "Please, take care of yourself. It hurts me to see you in this kind of situation." My pink lover hyung then left.

My smile never left my lips. It's good, really good to know that someone cares for you.

I quickly grabbed my phone and typed in my password, selecting Camera Roll. Going to my album With My One and Only Jagiya. (A/N: cheesy ik😂)

Pictures of me and Hye Jin were showed. I felt a big pang on my heart as I recall our memories. I scrolled some more and I saw a few screenshots where Hye Jin was acting all lovey dovey just for me to get her an EXO album.

I laughed silently as I remember her. But then, I immediately found myself crying.

"Why did it have to be this way, Hye Jin? If I didn't act so obsessed, we would've been so happy.."

[A/N: hiii :3 here's the eighth chapter! ]

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