Diary entry.

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Dear Diary,

France, during World War I,

"it was cold and very wet. I was the first female they let come here and fight. Also I had to dig as well, not my favorite, but I got to talk to most of the other soldiers. Most of them didn't like me, they thought I was weak to be a soldier. They thought I should be in the kitchen cooking and cleaning. I wanted to prove them wrong and that was my goal. I say my goal is pretty much achieved. My rank is Sergeant Major (Marine Corps.), I'd say I should have much more respect around here. I better get back to watching over these soldiers. Until next time when I fill you in with stories."

Personal information card

Name: Rose Tiffany Michelle
Age: 29
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Rank: Sergeant Major
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 92 pounds
Birthday: unknown.
Status: alive
Sex: female
Nationality: American
Race: Caucasian

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