[prologue]-don't do anything stupid

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Résumé and other paperwork in hand, Ani rushes towards the tall building that could potentially be her future workplace. She's extremely nervous about this interview because this could push all the doubts out of her mind and prove to her parents that she can do this. That this is what she's meant to do. Picking up the pace, she enters the building and asks the receptionist where to find the CEO.

On the elevator ride up, Ani goes through the conversation in her head and answers all of the questions she thinks the CEO will ask her. She feels prepared but nothing can stop the butterflies in her stomach or the uneasy feeling rising in her throat. She hears the ding of the elevator and gets off the top floor. Quickening her pace, she maneuvers through the different doors and finds the CEO's office.

Taking a deep breath, Ani knocks on the door.

A stern voice on the other side says, "Come in."

Slowly opening the door, Ani enters the large room and bows. "Good morning."

"Good morning. Please take a seat."

Ani walks towards the desk and sits down in a rather comfortable chair. She folds her hands on her lap and crosses her leg to prevent herself from twiddling her fingers and shaking her leg. Both bad habits of her's.

"I've reviewed your resume and I thought you have absolutely no experience whatsoever. I shouldn't hire you." The CEO starts off and Ani's heart sinks. "However,"—at the sound of this, her ears perk up—"I analyzed your portfolio and I believe you'd be a perfect fit for a job here. I think you're something special but you're going to have to prove that. So I'll put you on trial for a couple of weeks which is convenient since our regular for this position is out for an injury."

"Thank you so much," Ani gushes.

"But I will warn you: don't do anything you'll regret later on. This job isn't for the faint-hearted and it's definitely not a walk in the park."

"I understand, sir. I didn't expect it to."

"If there's ever a slight hesitation as to what you're doing, then it's not the right move. I have faith in you; you're very talented." He leans back into his chair. "By the way, do you know who you're working with?"

"Ye, a little bit. In the emails, I was asked to review some of the videos and see if I could do things like that. In preparation for this interview as well, I did more research and I am very knowledgable in their style," Ani states confidently.

"Well, they're a bit different when it comes to work. They're definitely serious about what they do, but they can be a handful."

"How so, sir?"

"They're rambunctious and loud at times. They're boys; they'll be hyper a lot of the times, even though they should be exhausted. They always have energy to spare." He places a hand on his forehead. "They're my pride and joy of this company and I want the best for them, so you better not fail. But most importantly, I want what's best for everyone that works here as well."

Ani's eyes widen a bit, but she tries to act calm. "What do you mean, sir?"

"As your boss, I want you to do your best, but as a father figure—even though I don't have kids myself—I want you to protect your heart." He stares directly into Ani's eyes.

"S-sir?" Ani stutters, shocked at the sentiment from her new boss.

"It was a requirement for you to hand in your medical information and it says on yours that you've had some...complications?"

"Yes...just a minor scare, but if I just follow doctor's orders, everything should go smoothly." Ani internally sighs, but at the same time, she's on edge from his cryptic pieces of advice.

He nods. "Good. I don't want to waste time, so I want you to start immediately." He checks the clock. "You'll start today. You can find them in the studio down on the third floor. They've got practice in half an hour. If you get lost, just ask someone. I hope you brought some fresh ideas."

"You can count on me sir. I won't let you down." Ani gets up and bows. As she's about to leave the office, the CEO speaks up.

"Oh, and can you tell BTS that I say 'Hi'?"

Ani's back stiffens up a bit but she responds, "Yes."

Hello! I decided one day to write another fanfic and this is pretty much what it turned out to be. Tbh, it all started out with a dream and because it was such a good dream that I wanted to continue it :) I hope you guys enjoy! P.S. enjoy Jimin with glasses cause it's such a beautiful concept

 enjoy Jimin with glasses cause it's such a beautiful concept---------------------------------------------

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