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I stand there, my eyes locked on the lump that was Miss Violet.

I didn't know her that well, but, I remember that I used to help her in her garden as a child. And sometimes, Mason, Madison, and I would sell lemonade on hot summer days, and she would always be one of the first people to stop by and buy a cup. She would take a sip of the lemonade, lick her lips and smile, and say, "My mother used to make lemonade just like this. Sweet job, you guys."

She was everyone's friend. She lived in the white house on the corner. She used to give away the best candy at Halloween time. She was so kind.

But she's dead now.

"What happened?" I ask.

"She missed her husband too much. She couldn't go on without him." Justin said.

"She's been different ever since we left the neighborhood. She's just been blabbing about how much she missed her husband. She wouldn't shut up about it." Mr. Baker sighed, "I guess I should have taken a hint."

"No one could have ever predicted this." Nolan says, cutting Mr. Baker short.

"So we are down to nine people." Justin runs his hand over his semi-bald head.

Tyler walks out of the hotel, and gasps. "Who is that?"

"Miss Violet." I say softly.

"What.. How? Why?" Tyler stands there in shock.

"Let's not discuss this. Nolan, take your sister and go check what room Miss Violet was in, and see if she left anything behind. A note, backpack, anything. Just go look around." Justin says. "Tyler, you can help Mr. Baker and I find a place for the body."

Nolan, without saying another word, walks back into the hotel. I follow closely behind him. We make our way up the steps, and onto the third floor.

"How do you know what room she was staying in?" I ask.

"Justin made everyone write their room number down on a sheet of paper, just in case something were to happen." Nolan continues to walk, and stops at a room towards the end of the hallway.

Nolan stands in front of the door, and tries opening it by turning the door knob. It was locked.

"Oops, well, guess we might as well head back." I sigh.

"No, we need to get in there." Nolan says. In one swift motion, Nolan lifts his leg and kicks the door down.

I freeze. "You could have knocked first."

"Can you stop it with the lame jokes? Seriously, they do nothing but annoy people." Nolan snaps as he steps into the room.

"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood, I guess." I shrug, slightly hurt by Nolan's words.

I follow Nolan into Miss Violet's room. In the corner was her bag. The bed was made. Everything was neat, expect for a note that was laying on the bed.

Nolan walks over to it, and reads it out loud.

I'm sorry, for everything. My life has been a disaster ever since my husband died. I couldn't take it any longer. Just take what you need from my bag. I won't be needing it anymore.

I let out a sigh, and look out the window.

Just then, I realized it was closed.

"Nolan, she must have jumped from the roof. The window is closed." I take a deep breath.

"I can't believe she would do this." Nolan mumbles.

I look over at Nolan. "It will be okay. She wanted to be with her husband. I hope she is with him now."

Nolan sighs, and grabs the bag from the corner for the room. He makes his way outside of the room, and into the hallway. "Everyone be outside and ready to go in half an hour. We need to keep moving." Nolan yells as he passes each door. "Tessa, go grab all of our things in our room. Meet me downstairs."

I go back into our room, and begin collecting our things. I was almost finished packing when I heard a faint knock on the door.

I walk over to the door and open it, and was surprised to see Tyler standing in the doorway.

"You need any help packing?" Tyler asks, peering into my room.

"I mean, I guess." I open the door wider for Tyler to come in, and he does.

I grab my blanket off of the bed, and Tyler grabs the other end, and we begin to fold it together. Slowly, we bring the final two ends together, and we stand in from of each other in a comfortable silence.

"It's sad, what happened to Miss Violet." Tyler speaks softly.

I nod.

I finally let go of the folded blanket, and move across the room to pack the reminder of Nolan's belongings.

With Tyler's help, I finish packing in no time at all. I go into the hotel's bathroom and look in the mirror, desperately trying to fix my hair.

"You look fine." Tyler says from the other side of the room.

"I need a shower." I giggle, and see some shampoo and conditioner in little bottles. I quickly snatch them up, along with the mini bar of soap. I go over to my bag and place them in the bag.

Tyler smiles, and grabs Nolan's bag, while I grab my own.

We head downstairs, to see the others all gathered in a huddle. Whispers about Miss Violet make their way through the small group.

"It's so sad, she had so much life and love." Doctor Erin mumbles to Mr. Baker.

Liam and Madison held hands, off towards the side of the group. Tyler and I walk over to them.

Liam sighs, "Miss Voilent left."

I smile softly, "Liam, it's Miss Violet, not Violent."

Liam sighs again. "Is she comin' back?"

"No, buddy. She's not coming back." Tyler takes Liam's other hand.

"Like Mama and Dad aren't comin' back?" Liam says with a sniff.

Madison sighs. "It's okay, Liam. We still have each other."

"I hope we always have each other." Tyler says, and glances over at me.

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