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             Spencer was hesitant to arrive on campus, it was move in day and she was anything but move in ready

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Spencer was hesitant to arrive on campus, it was move in day and she was anything but move in ready. She was not mentally ready for college. She was dependent on her parents, her social anxiety made it difficult to speak to waiters or cashiers without fumbling over her own words and claiming up. But she had no problem speaking her mind. Her therapist claimed that it was all in her mind, but she definitely knew it was the weight of her fathers wallet which compelled Dr. Mathis to say that. She relied on her parents money to carry her through out her life, she wanted for nothing and while she watched the news she didn't have a real concept of struggle and how the world would chew her up and spit her out with no remorse.

She was literally going into university with her eyes closed, hopefully she wouldn't get trapped by a big bad wolf.

Her fathers personal driver, Curtis, pulled up to her assigned spot for check in. And the secondary vehicle that failed behind them came to a stop with the Spencer's dorm items.

"Mr. Williams we have arrived" Spencer's father gave a single nod and got out of the vehicle and opened the door for his wife, Melanie. She resembled her daughter in many ways, they both had dark chocolate skin and cat like eyes. The only thing that was different was the older women preferred to keep her hair styled in a pixie cut while her daughter kept her hair in which ever style matched the flow of her outfit.

Spencer wasn't so blind to not see the scowl on her fathers face as he stood outside the car scanning his surroundings.

"Honey, you go check in while I talk to your father" Melanie said shooing Spencer off.

With a sigh, she strides away knowing that her parents were likely going to cause a scene with all of their bickering.

Ever since she told them that she would be going to university and living on campus her father was heated, her mother advocated for her but unfortunately it put a strain on her parents relationships and her father daughter relationship.

Although, they have not a good one initially.

Spencer went to the check in table and signed her name and took the packet, University ID, dorm key and pamphlet the in house resident handed her.

She glanced over it and nodded to the lady with a small smile.

She remembered the name of the roommate she matched with, Amalea Bonavento, They had a 95% match and she figured they seemed compatible.

Most of her "friends" were attending ivy leagues or going overseas. While she got into those schools that wasn't the experience she wanted.

Instead, she chose a small yet highly competitive liberal arts school.

She got on the elevator and pressed the third floor, looking over the informational pamphlet not paying attention to her surroundings.

When she stepped off she bumped into a muscular and firm chest. "Oooh, I- I'm so sorry, I was not paying attention to where—" the large hands on her hips that steadied her made her silent, especially when she looked up.

𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒎𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now