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       Spencer opened her eyes in a haze, she slept that night like the dead

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Spencer opened her eyes in a haze, she slept that night like the dead. When saw the bright light, she swore she would never drink again. Once her eyes adjusted to brightness of the room, she noticed... things. The room was black and grey and the smell, it's smelled familiar. The woodsy cologne filled her senses deliciously, this room was Amedeo Bonavento's not that she minded. But when she looked down she was shocked, she was in a white dress shirt and nothing else.

She didn't. She would remember. He would have been memorable.

The last thing she vaguely remembered is when he choked her, but she can't recall what he said. At the time the only thing she was concerned with was his large and warm hand wrapped around her throat.

Spencer didn't realize the water was running from the bathroom so when she looked up she saw him in all his glory, water dripped from his curly hair and down his pectorals and his six pack all the way down to that treacherous v-line. She had never seen one in real life but she was suddenly feeling very hot.

"Buongiorno" he said looking at the delectable woman is his bed, he would have her and ruin her— it was sad to say. But it needed to be done. First, he would court her. Good morning.

Good morning Amedeo" Spencer responds.

"You understand Italian?" He asked her shocked, their were a lot of things he did not know about her.

"Nope but I know spanish and they are similar" she quipped with a smile.

"Hmm muy interesante" he said switching to spanish with a smirk. Very interesting.

"No, en realidad no" she responds back. No, not really.

Amedeo smiled, pleasantly surprised by the girl who was in his bed.

"Just how many languages do you know?" She asks staring at him as he toweled dried his hair.

"Other than English I'm fluent in Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Italian/French and Arabic. And I'm learning the terminology of Urdu to strengthen my Arabic" he said once he finished drying his hair.

Hmm she pondered, he's educated.

"Where did you attend university?" She question with immense curiosity, just who was Amedeo Bonavento?

"I went to Harvard and double majored in political science and economics, got my MBA there and graduated summa cum laude" he says wrapping the towel he dried his hair with around his neck.

𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒎𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now