Number Four's Story

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Most people go to a fancy restaurant for a first date, but Walter and I, we robbed a bank. When Walter Gibbs and I were seventeen we were both wild. I was wild in the sense of riding roller coasters and bungee jumping, but Walter was wild in crime. He had quite a record, but mine was spotless. That's why the police didn't believe him when he said I was involved. Everything went wrong at the bank, Walter was out of control. He killed the security guard. We planned to bury the money in the woods, but before we knew it the police were there and I panicked. I grabbed the bag of money and ran out the back. But Walter was caught, and charged with robbery and murder. I stashed the money under my bed and never spoke of it.

Seven years later I was reading the newspaper and freaked out when I saw page three. Walter Gibbs was out of jail, and on a killing spree. He was targeting people who had messed up his life in any way. I was terrified; I had sent him to jail. As I read the paper I continued to panic. Once he found you he would hurt people close to you, and then before he killed you he would video tape you telling the story of how you messed up his life. Three videos had been made so far. I couldn't tell anyone about this or I would end up in jail, which didn't sound too bad compared to Walter's wrath. I decided to keep my fear contained. My parents needed me, and I couldn't help them in jail, or, I suppose, being dead.

One day I came home from the store. As I unlocked the front door and walked in, I screamed at the sight. My parents were on the floor, dead, shot in the head. On the TV was a video, I hit play, what I saw broke me. It was my parents held at gun point by Walter. My parents were crying and Walter laughing, telling me he was coming for me. Then he pulled the trigger. I screamed and cowered in the corner. There I sat for an hour, sobbing. I pulled out the tape and took a hammer to it. Then I cried again. I wondered which one of my family was next. I soon found out. Just three days later there was a funeral, my sister's. That was it, no more. I had lost everything.

And now here I am, sitting at gun point. It's my fault, mine. He has reassured me that no more of my family will be harmed, it's me he wants. I have brought this upon myself, I betrayed Walter, I deserve to die. My name is Heather Rowe, I am victim number four, and this is my story.


Heather Rowe was found dead, one shot through the head. Walter went on to kill two more people before he killed himself. Police assume Walter got the money from Heather's house and buried it deep in the woods for it was never recovered.

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