Don't Forget Who You Are

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Lolololollll hi hi. it me. im bac. time for the next chapter. thanks for waiting so patiently, all 80 of you who've read this book. thnx. SORRY FOR WAITING LIKE 4 MONTHS TO UPDATE anyway, onto the story. ye. oh wait, if ya wanna know who made me update.... it was.... Neah44 >:3 they are the reason i am updating, everyone thank them, for if not for them i probs would not have updated for a lot longer oop anyway to the story we gooo

Allen awoke to the light from his window blinding him. He groaned and rolled over, closing his eyes once more. It was only until he heard a soft meowing did he open one of his eyes. In front of him was Amity, who was curiously looking at Allen. "Oh... Good morning Amity..." Allen smiled at the small cat before sitting up. 

Allen looked at his clock that sat on his bedside table. The red numbers glowed in the dimly lite room, reading 7:43 am. Allen was surprised he had not woken up earlier like he usually did, but he chalked it up to being stressed out and exhausted from the day before. 

Allen stood from his bed and made his way to his dresser, pulling out his uniform. He had a mission today, so he'd be able to get out of the confines of the order for a little while. But, he'd be stuck with Kanda, Lenalee, Lavi, and the others, who all seemed to dislike him now that they knew his 'true self'. The only ones who seemed to still like him were Miranda, Krory, and  Timothy. He sighed and tugged his boots on before grabbing his coat and shrugging it on as well. 

As Allen walked to the door, ready to leave, he heard Amity meow behind him. He turned to face the little kitten, getting on his knees to look at her. "I know, Amity. But you can't go with me. Its going to be dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt. I'll leave out food and water for you, so you don't have to worry about that. So just be a good girl until i come back, okay?" Amity meowed, seeming to understand Allen. Allen reached out and patted her head. "Good girl, i'll see you in a couple of days." Amity meowed once more before Allen stood and left the room.


The mission had not gone as expected. It turned out it was all a trap, meant to lure the 14th into the Noah's grasps. And it had worked, well, almost worked. They almost had Allen, when the least expected person saved him. It was Kanda. He had cut off one of the akuma's arms, releasing Allen from its grips. "Watch where you're going, beansprout!"Kanda spoke with venom on his tongue. It was clear that saving Allen put a bad taste in Kanda's mouth. 

The akuma exploded, releasing the tormented soul from within in. The other akuma were ready to try again when a voice spoke through the air. 

"Come back, akuma." 

The akuma followed the orders and disappeared to their master. the voice spoke again.

"You'll regret this, boy. These exorcists you call friends don't care for you. Don't forget who you are. An exorcist and a Noah. A monster. They'll abandon you soon enough, then you'll be ours.~"

The voice was familiar to Allen, but he couldn't place his finger on who it belonged to. He didn't have any longer to think on it when his name was called. 

"It's time to go, everyone get ready. Allen, get over here! As much as i'd like to leave you, the order would have my ass if i left you here."

Allen stumbled over to the group, staying near the back. Miranda and Krory placed a hand on either side of his shoulders, as a comforting gesture. Allen gave them each a smile before they walked through the gate that lead back to the order.


Allen had just finished giving his report to Komui, who gave Allen a sympathetic look when he heard what happened. He sighed and walked back to his room, excited to see Amity again. But when he opened his door and took a look around, Amity was no where to be found. Her food and water were untouched, and her litter box was clean. Where had that kitten gotten off to? He walked over to his bed, to look under it, when he noticed a note on his bed side table. He picked it up and looked over it.

Dear Boy,

I see you found my cat, so I'm taking her back. Thank you for looking after her for the short amount of time you had her. May you have a nice day.

Owner of Cat

Allen sighed and threw the note away. He hoped Amity's owner was a good one and not some freak who hurt her. He didn't even stop to wonder how the owner knew where she was. 

Allen sighed and sat on his bed, looking at the ceiling. It seems that everything was indeed leaving him. That voice might just be right. Why had that voice sounded so familiar though? It's not like he's heard it before, right? That'd be crazy. 

Allen shook his head. It was best not to ponder on things he had no answers for. He laid back on his bed and closed his eyes. Maybe he should get another cat to keep him company. Or at least a companion to keep him company. He thought on this as he fell asleep.


Yay! chapter done! This oen is kind of short, so sorry about that! Do you wanna know a secret???? About the cat???? comment below and ill tell you!!

Anyway, sorry for waiting so long to update!! I'll try to get the next chapter out earlier than this one!! But ya know, im bad at schedules sooo!

Anyway thanks for reading! Hope to see you around again!!

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