Dreams should be sweet

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heyo, im back! asdfghjkl; sorry for not updating in like,,,  a year or soemthing jkfdsgafkl. also, i honestly had,,, forgotten about this book until YaoiLover217 had commented and asked for an update like idk 7 motnhs ago or soemthing kdasjfhdkasj so ya know, everyone thank them for reminding my dumb ass. anyway, ill be trying to update sooner form now on, but i honestly cant guarantee anything.  anyway, onto the story!!

Allen awoke the next morning to a quiet rapping on his door. He rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes as he stood and went to open the door. There, standing in his doorway, was Miranda, Krory, and Timothy all smiling brightly at him. "H-hello, Allen!" Miranda greeted shyly. Allen was surprised to see his friends so early in the morning, but smiled at them all the same with a quiet fondness in his eyes. "Good morning Miranda, Krory, and Timothy! What are you all doing here?"

Miranda and Krory shared a look before returning their eyes to Allen. "W-well, we thought that since we did such a good job on the mission yesterday, that we could all go out to town and maybe celebrate?" Miranda looked nervous, more so than usual. But it went unnoticed as Allen beamed at his friends. 

"I'd love to!" Miranda practically melted when they received Allen's positive confirmation. Timothy jumped up and down as he smiled just as large. "Well, what are we waiting for then?!" Miranda, Krory, and Allen all laughed at timothy's excitement. 

"Just let me get ready real quick and then we can go, alright?" Allen smiled sweetly at his friends as they nodded. He quickly grabbed a pair of clean clothes, and changed into them quickly before heading out into the hallway to his friends. "Well, lets go then and have a bunch of fun!" Allen smiled brightly at his friends, they returned with smiles of their own that were just as bright. 


Once in the town, Miranda lead everyone to a quiet cafe so they could plan out what they would do. They took their seats at a table near the window, the light flowing in and cascading down the table creating little rainbows. 

After they settled in and gave their orders to the waitress,t hey began to talk.

"W-well I hear there is a show going on a-at the nearby theater, I-it's supposed to be a new play that hasn't been acted out before." Miranda nervously threw out an idea.

Krory smiled. "Oh, a play! That sounds like so much fun!"

Even Timothy grew excited. "Yeah, lets do it! What do you think, Allen?" 

Allen pretended to be deep in thought, thinking about his decision. The others looked at him, antsy. Allen broke out into a smile. "Of course! That sounds like a lot of fun." The others blew out an breath which they were nervously holding in before.

"W-well, after we eat we can go, but since I-it's such a nice day, lets enjoy things and take it slowly." Miranda, once more, nervously began. 

Everyone nodded.


After everyone finished their food, they left the cafe and strolled through the town in the direction of the theater. 

Timothy chatted about his studies and how boring they were, how he wished he didn't have to do them and how he should just be having fun. Allen chided Timothy, telling him the importance of his studies and showing him how it come sin handy. Miranda and Krory shared a few looks, silently communicating their worry about Allen.

He seemed fine now, but they knew how upset he had been lately. They worried about him, he was their friend how could they not. It boils their blood to know that the ones who were once his friends could be so cruel to him now. 

They made it to the theater just as the weather was taking a turn for the worse. The sky was now a dark grey, the sun hidden behind a multitude of clouds. Small droplets of water began to fall from the sky, coating the ground beneath them a darker shade. They, along with many others, crowded into the theater and took seats to wait out the rain. They sat in the very front, a little bit off from the center of the row but still a very good spot to watch from. 

As the curtains pulled back, the lights dimmed and a voice echoed throughout the small theater. "The story of a young boy who was ostracized by everyone from birth." 

There, on stage, was a marionette puppet with short red hair and a mitten over his hand. Something uneasy stirred in the pit of Allen's stomach. 

The young boy puppet walked down a dirt path with his head hung low, weeping as he did. As he walked, he came upon a circus. The ringmaster took pity on him and the boy began to work. As the young boy now walked on the grounds of a circus, he runs into a dog. The dog was old but ran about with so much energy, licking the boy's hand and face. The boy begins to walk some more, but the dog is slower and drooping. He drops to the ground and doesn't get up. The boy weeps as he covers the dog with his body. A clown comes by and watches the scene. He pats the boys back and takes him by the hand, leading him away form the dog's body. There is an intermission now, the curtain closes.

Allen knows what this is. This is his life. He's uneasy as he gets up, telling Miranda he'll be right back. He goes to the door they entered through and tries to push it open, it won't move. He pushes and pulls, but there isn't any movement. The lights dim again and the curtain opens once more, Allen looks back.

The boy is now walking down the streets of a town, holding the hand of an older man. The boy is smiling as he looks up to the man, the man returning the smile with gentle eyes. As they walk, a carriage comes from nowhere and the man is hit. The boy falls to the ground and weeps over the mans body, shaking him with his small hands. The man doesn't get up. 

Another intermission, this one very short. Allen looks on in horror. 

The curtains open to a grave yard, the boy sitting in front of a grave. He's sit weeping as he throws his head up and yells. A large, purple man with pointy ear's descends from the ceiling with a skeleton in a frame. He exchanges words with the crying boy, an evil glint in the button eyes. The boy yells out a name, its heard clearly. The skeleton shakes as it comes to life. 

Allen doesn't bother to watch the rest, he knows how this goes. His trembling hand comes up to rest on the scar over his eye.

Someone clears their throat behind him. He turns slowly to face them.

"Young boy... I see you're having a... hard time." Its Tykki. "How about i help you?" 

Allen glares at Tykki, but Tykki continues to smile. He snaps his finger and the theater goes dark.


Allen jumps awake to a knock at his door. 


It was all a dream.


hey everyone woop woop here it is the finished chapter that youve waited a year for, im really sorry ti took this long, if this happens again please bug the hell out of me and get me to continue jkfdshgjkfls anyway bye bye

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