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my favorite food is probably a burger from Bob's Big Boy (fuck you)

my least favorite food is chicken Alfredo (that shit's disgusting, sorry)

my favorite condiment is barbecue sauce

my least favorite condiment is mayonnaise

my favorite drink is raspberry flavored hot chocolate

my least favorite drink is any kind of carbonated water that's supposed to taste like fruit

my favorite color is either gray or yellow #fef65b

my least favorite color is probably pea green or any other green that reminds me of puke

my favorite song (I like a lot of songs, but I could listen to this song over and over again and never get tired of it, I love it so much) is Sleeping Lessons by The Shins

my least favorite song is anything that falls into the genre of 'trap' 

my favorite show is either parks and recreation or supernatural (i like The Office too, but michael gives me anxiety so I can't watch it too often)

my least favorite show is pretty little liars or vampire diaries or secrete life of the american teenager (woopsy-doodles it's annoying to me and I can't watch it for more than three minutes without getting annoyed and I'm not sure why)

my favorite aesthetic is probably monochrome or plant-based

my least favorite aesthetic is the aesthetic where people put random shit in their eyeball (STOP YOU'RE GOING TO HURT YOURSELF AND CAUSE PERMANENT DAMAGE PLEASE DON'T PUT PINK GLITTER IN YOUR EYELID OMG)

i like some things and I don't like some things 

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