this won't end (Chapter 8)

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*After class*

Chie: Uhum? I have something to confess...

Ivan: What is it?

Janne: What what? :)

Alvin: Yesh?

Chie: I'm leaving for today till the end of my college life. Sorry guys

Ivan: Chie :( I can't wait for so long but if you want I will.

Chie: Whut? -,-

Alvin: So, You won't be here with us anymore??? :(

Janne: Chie :( Don't go :'(

Chie: Guys, I know you can do well without me. Just think I've never been your friend

Janne: Don't say that.. You're our first friend! Only three of us were friends untill now but if you leave we can't move on. Look at Ivan he's about to cry.. should you leave?

Chie: Sorry.. I'm leaving on a Jetplane...

Ivan: I'm leaving on a Jetplane~ don't know when I'll be back again~ (Crying mode)

Chie: Aw, It's so fit for my situation.

Alvin: E-mail us always. W-w-wait. Where are you going?

Chie: London..

Janne: Why?? :'('''

Alvin: My first love leaves like this now..

Ivan: same here.

Janne: My first friend which is a girl leaves like this..

Chie: Sorry, sorry, sorry..

Janne: Don't leave..

Alvin: yeah, pls.

Ivan: we're here don't leave..

Chie: Oh no, this won't end

*4 years later*

Alvin's POV

Four years passes like this. I can't believe she's coming bsck tomorrow. It's united friends day. She's my first love, yeah.. but I love my second love more. ♥ JANNE GIL ♥

Janne's POV

Years passed too fast. I can't believe I'm already an adult. People recognize me as an adult now. I feel good always. I never realized years are so fast. My bestfriend Chie Yan is coming back from london! She speaks british fluently. I'm excited! News! Good news. I'm getting married with Alvin! ♥ We're 5 years relationship. Never fought. Always lovey dovey! ♥ ihihihih~ ♥

Ivan's POV

Love, sweet love. I ♥ Chie Yan! She's coming back today! ♥ OMG! I'm staying up all night today~ I hope I'll get married like Alvin and Janne!

Chie' s POV

Coming from London today. Oh, I'll miss my friends! school! I love them! I thank them for those e-mails'. ♥♡♥♡♥ Meeting them today! I love Ivan bunag too! ehehe~

Shortcut:Alvin and Janne, Chie and Ivan go married and they lived happily evah aftah ♥

♡♥The END ♥♡

Sorry for all the corny stories. Lol. I know it's weird. Sorry~ Comment for more Info~ ♥ and thanks to all those readers who read this book. I'll try to improve :3 Bye~

-Lots of Love ♥♡♥♡♥


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