this won't end (Chapter 7)

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Sorry for the late upload! I was too busy studying for the exam ^^

Alvin: What the!?? Ivan! I thought you're my friend! betrayer! Chie is mine! you snatched her! from me! You're so!!!! Ugh!!! I hate you! never contect me again! we're enemies now!!! *throwing his cellphone on the ground*

Ivan: wait.. no :( I know it's hard. but what can i do? she chose me and I love her! I won't regret! I won't give up.. forgive me Alvin..

Alvin: Shut up! I don't even want to hear you! stop blaming about love! she was mine!!! Snatcher! just leave! Plss!!!

Chie: *runs to alvin* Sorry..

Alvin: I don't care! It's useless! I hate you!

*next day*

Janne's POV

I finally took of my glasses and wore contact lense.. but I feel different :)

Chie's POV

I feel so sorry. I loved Alvin but not anymore..

Alvin's POV

I'm finding new girlfriend!!!! Ugh!!

Ivan's POV

at least Chie is my girl now..? :) I feel too proud and happy! I ♥ You God! :)

*In school*

Janne: Uhm.. Hi?

Chie: Omg! You turned beautiful! :)

Janne: Well, I just took of my glasses. I look beautiful ? hahaha

Chie: Ofcourse!!

Ivan:Chie! How'd I look? :")

Chie: Good! Not better than Janne..

Ivan: *staring at Janne* You look nice. :)

Janne: Really? Thanks Ivan :)

Alvin: Hey..

Ivan: Chie! Let's go..

Chie: Okie Dokie ♥

Alvin: I'm so lonely..

Janne: Aww, you're not.. You have me :)

Alvin: Yeah, what i meant was I don't have a girl friend.

Janne: Aw, so sad

Alvin: By the way, you look pretty

Janne: Well.. Thanks

Alvin: Let's go

Janne: Ok

*Janne entering the room*

Boys: Oh em gee! Janne! Be my girlfriend I ♥ you

Janne: What da?!

Alvin: Woahh.. Same reaction when Chie entered xD

Chie: What da!? boys are just so same.. Ugh. At least I have Ivan..

Ivan: Woahh~ cool! She just took of her glasses. Haha What's happening? xD

Alvin: hahha xD Janne look at Chie's face xD

Janne: Oh no... :< this won't end

*Janne going to her seat*

Ivan: Woahh~hahaha here comes the beautiful xD

Chie: Ivan! Shut up!

Ivan: What!? I'm just joking dude! ♥

Chie: Can you pls pls Shut up?!

Ivan: It's a joke!

Chie: Fudge! this won't end :'(

Ivan: Chie, no need to waste your tears. I love you as much you love me

Chie: K.

Ivan: ......

I hope you enjoyed Chapter 7! More Chapters to be made ^^

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