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The next few days went by fast like a blur. Diana definitely kept her distance from Betty, even though she didn't understand why she was taking all the blame when Archie had a devious romance with two girls. Lana was mostly the only one available to comfort her, since she didn't accompany Kevin and Veronica at the Twilight Drive-In movie nights before.

Secrets in the town of Riverdale were getting stronger, it was about time the actual murderer of Jason Blossom was revealed. Jennifer Gibson, other known as Ms. Grundy was a mystery yet to be solved. She later on packed up her things in fear of Alice Cooper and being arrested.

This question was still on everyone's minds:

Who did it?


After a long day of working hard with the River Vixens, Diana spotted Archie sitting on a bench. Although she wanted to strongly speak her mind to him, about how she felt worthless and used, she decided against it and subtly walked over to him.

"Isn't this your playing hand?" Diana asked, sitting next to him. The ginger-haired boy nodded slowly, shocked at her gentleness. "Archie. This hand is your instrument. You need to take better care of it. And, you know, stop punishing yourself while you're at it." 

As she bandaged his hand up with sports tape, he said, "I'm not."

"You sure?"

Archie sighed and stated, "I got slammed because I didn't know the play. I didn't know the play because, like an idiot, instead of memorizing my plays I was up late last night. Working on some of my songs with Valerie. God, I'm such an idiot."

Diana's breath hitched into her throat as butterflies erupted into her stomach. She had no idea why she felt like this. It was not like she liked Archie. "Valerie, huh?"

When she saw the ginger looking at her with furrowed eyebrows, she quickly said, "No, I endorse this."

"You jealous, Dia?"

"Please. I had my seven minutes in heaven and summer fling with Archie Andrews," she replied, trying to avoid making eye contact with him. "Okay. Good as new. But try to take better care of it. That hand is going to be worth millions one day."

And so the brunette girl walked away with a bunch of thoughts clouding her mind. 


While her mother was helping Diana by setting out her hair supplies, Diana herself was putting on a simple black dress that had thin, long sleeves and a lacy trim. Her outfit was paired with black flats and a gold purse. It was Jason's memorial, or funeral, that she was going to, but she did not want to look so solemn.  

After getting dressed, she sat down into her desk chair and relaxed as her mother put her hair into two simple dutch braids. "You look beautiful, mija," she said, kissing her forehead softly.

'Mom, when you do something wrong to a person what is the best way to solve the problem?" Diana asked, gazing at her mother through the vanity mirror.

Her mother sighed as she thought about the statement quietly. "Well, it is always good to be truthful. Just ask them for your forgiveness and tell them about the perspective from your point of view. When you do that sincerely, the person is bound to understand and accept you."


Once Diana was dropped off at the funeral by her mother, who did not want to come and get tied up in the Blossom's drama, she went straight into the mansion and tried to look for Betty. All she wanted to do was to apologize and get her old blonde best friend back.

Just as she was about to say something, she had to take a seat by Veronica because she knew it was not the time for apologies, at a sad time.

"Days like today really put things in perspective, huh?" Veronica spoke, turning around to look at her other friends. "I mean, at least we're here. At least we're alive."

The opening of a door and the heavy click of heels were heard as everyone turned around to see Cheryl Blossom dressed like something straight out of a horror movie. She had a white veil on her head, a white dress and opened jacked around her, along with a red belt tied to her waist and sheer white gloves. 

"Oh my gosh," Veronica whispered.

"Yes," Kevin mumbled.

Cheryl tentatively walked to the pulpit. "Welcome to Thornhill. Thank you all for coming. If you'll kindly take your seats," she said, gesturing to the chairs. "I would very much like to start this memorial with a few words about my beloved brother Jason.

The last time I saw Jason, I was wearing this dress. I know it's impossible, but I swear, when I put it on, it feels like he's in the room with me. Even though we were twins, I used to demand I have my own birthday party. Until one year, out of the blue, Jason convinced me we had to combine them into one. It wasn't until few years later I found out why."

The redhead quickly wiped away tears and continued, "It was because no one wanted to come to mine. And Jason didn't want me to know. He protected me. Every single day. I wish that day at the river, I had protected him."

A sob escaped her mouth as she rushed to his casket. "I'm so sorry, Jay-Jay. We failed you. All of us."

Veronica walked up to Cheryl and comfortingly gave her a warm-hearted hug. 

Penelope Blossom quickly walked up to the pulpit and said, "I think we'll adjourn now to the Winter Salon for a light supper."


Every town has one.

The house on the haunted hill all the kids avoid.

Now that Jason was buried in the earth, it would only be a matter of time until something poisonous bloomed.

In that long, cold shadow cast by his death.

Whatever grew in the rich black soil of the Blossom's garden always found its way to the town.

Whether it was murder.

Or love.

Or secrets.

Or lies.


tbh this two-day update thing is really getting used to me! I'm sorry if this chapter was boring, I promise it gets better haha. This was kinda a filler chapter.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Favorite Riverdale scene?

ANSWER OF THE DAY: I really enjoy the part where B & V received justice for what Chuck and those other boys did to those innocent girls.

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