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Diana Vesper, a girl who was once volatile and infamous. She was a wild rebel and experienced a lot of things that people normally didn't go through until adulthood. At the last few weeks of her 8th grade, it was rumored that she went skinny dipping with Reggie Mantle. Neither have denied it yet. At the start of the 9th grade people gossiped that she made out with the members of the band 'The Neighbourhood' all for free concert tickets. This rumor has also not been denied.

Her attitude was absolutely horrible. People feared her, just like they fear Cheryl Blossom now, except the olive skinned girl was fiercer. No one dared to get on her bad side. She played with boys' feelings left and right and didn't have a care in the world.

The roots of her wild phase occurred ever since her parents obtained a divorce. Her father was her actual closest parent, but he would often come home late and smelling of liquor. He even almost hurt her and her mother once. 

No one could ever understand why Betty Cooper would befriend the wild child that went to many senior parties at the beginning of 9th grade, but the statement about opposites attract was true. 

They met at the last homecoming dance of Freshman year. Diana was heavily intoxicated because of the spiked fruit punch, and she was found by the blonde in a corner by the photo booth. 

Betty carried her to the bathroom, comforted her as she vomited and the start of a new friendship formed. 


"You do realize that we're missing out on Veronica with the Pussycats' performance? Along with Archie?" Diana asked, fiddling with the hem of Betty's floral bed sheets. She was sprawled out on the bed, her shoes kicked out somewhere on the floor with the sun patting down onto the white rug. "I hope Lana is alright with me leaving her there."

Betty lightly laughed as she spoke, "Why would you do that? You could've invited her, all we are doing is talk-"

Suddenly, a few taps on the window was heard as Betty glanced at Diana and went to go open it. No other than Jughead Jones was there.

"Hey there, Juliet. Nurse off duty?" he said, climbing through the spacious window. "You haven't gone full Yellow Wallpaper on me yet, have you?"

Betty sighed. "They're crazy. My parents are absolutely crazy!"

"They're parents. Of course they're crazy."

Diana looked at the two as they spoke, and decided it was time to take her cue. "Alright love birds, I'm going to step out of the house for a bit. Tell me when it's time to play murder mystery."

She quickly and skillfully climbed back out of the window after slipping on her heeled boots. A familiar face was walking up to her down the road. It's always the malicious boy.

"Is this your hobby? Just following me around, even after every time you screw something up like taking a picture of me secretly, or insulting me? Just leave me alone Isaac!"

Isaac laughed, running his hands through his dark brown hair. "You don't remember me, do you?"

"What are you talking about?" Diana asked, her heart beating even faster than it already was. "You told me you saw Archie and I at Sweetwater River."

"I guess you'll have to solve the 'secret' yourself. Give that blonde friend of yours, I think her name is Betty Cooper, my regards," he said, backing away into the woods behind a house.


"So there's a car Jason stashed for himself and Polly down Route forty if I heard right?" Diana questioned, hugging her thick beige jacket close to her. The night was very misty, hot water vapor tingling in the air.

Betty nodded, looking frantically in the dark with her flashlight in her hand. "If we find it, it can confirm Polly's story."

The three teens came upon a sign that said 'Blossom Maple Farms' on it. After looking to the side, Diana saw a plastic cover over something bulky. She pulled it up, and small car was under it.

Jughead opened the trunk in the back of the car while he rummaged through it. There was a whole mass of items, including suitcases, clothes and bags. Jason's name was neatly printed on his Riverdale jacket.

"What are those?" Betty asked, motioning to the plastic wrapped bars Jughead was holding up.

"They're drugs, Betty."

Betty breathed in. "Wait, Jughead put it down! This is evidence. This is all evidence."

Diana's eyes scanned the entire trunk, her gaze lingering on the drugs. "This whole car is a crime scene." Jughead quickly took out a camera and took a picture of the items in the trunk. 

"Okay. We need to get Sheriff Keller and then we need to get Polly."


"Sheriff Keller!" Betty yelled, running into Riverdale High with Jughead and Diana along her side. All three of them were scared of all the evidence they had seen, but it was about time some truth about Jason's death came out. It seemed as if the town was getting even more broken.

"I got your text, what is it?" the Sheriff declared, walking up to them with a fast pace.

Diana breathed heavily as she gestured to the picture on Jughead's phone. "Look, it's Jason's jacket."

"Where did you get that?"

"In the trunk of a car with a bunch of other stuff. Jason was running away with Polly."

"Where's the car?"

"You guys go on, I'm gonna see the rest of the performances," Diana stated, running to where the  annual variety show was being held. When she saw who was strumming his guitar and singing, her breath got caught into her throat.

Archie was singing beautifully, his voice nearly bringing tears to her eyes. It reminded Diana of so many peaceful members, even the ones with her father. 

After the show was over, the brunette girl had a scenario all planned out where she would congratulate Archie on his ethereal singing and hug him, but the universe had something else in mind.

Before Diana could even go up to him, the smile was wiped off of her face as the ginger haired boy embraced Valerie Brown and kissed her. It felt like a cold feeling, like someone punching her straight in the gut. Why did she feel like that? She did tell Archie that she was okay with him doing what ever he wanted, but her thoughts changed. 

She quickly wiped tears away from her eyes, a lump forming in her throat. Her feet dragged her out of the hallway and all the dismal way home. When she reached her house, rain had drenched her with water from head to toe. 


it seems as if no one votes or comments anymore rip. I asked for you guys' opinions and no one really said anything. Is this fan fiction really that awful? :\

QUESTION OF THE DAY: (This is similar to my other question of the day a while back, oops). Do you still love Lili Reinhart even though she is problematic? 

ANSWER OF THE DAY: I wish I could say yes, but her actions were unacceptable, even more horrible than others.

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