Chapter 2

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The front door bangs open. Thana starts, dropping the knife with a loud clatter.

"The hell?" she spat. Swiftly kicking the knife under her bed, she trudges to her door and pokes her head out. From downstairs, she could hear the high pitched giggling of Teresa. Soon following, there was a low murmur of a man's voice.

Thana narrows her eyes, her curiosity peaking. Teresa never brought anyone home. So why would she now? Giving a low growl in the back of her throat, Thana slips down the stairs, her socks making a soft swishing on the matted carpet.

"-never thought that something like that would happen," the stranger snorts. He was tall and thin, wearing a loose t-shirt and sweatpants. Metal framed glasses sat on the bridge of his nose, his lips quirked into a cocksure smile. His eyes were darting around the main hallway, taking in the cobwebs and dust, his nose wrinkling slightly at the smell of alcohol.

Teresa was practically giggling like a little girl, agreeing with everything he said. Almost like she was desperate for his attention. But even more surprisingly was the fact that she was sober. For the first time in years, she was pretty close to being completely sober. Her eyes were clear, a faint flushing on her cheeks. She moved with deliberateness, her words clear as they rang off the walls.

Her expression twisting with contempt, Thana gave a cough to let them know she was there. Teresa and the man turned, as if just noticing she was standing there. Teresa's eyes flickered with a hint of annoyance, before she smiled sappily, gesturing to the man.

"This is David," she purred. Thana stood still, slamming a blank look on her face. Don't let her know what you're thinking.

"I- uh- met your mom at the bar a couple hours ago," he shrugged awkwardly. He stuck out his hand. "You must be Thana." Thana flinched away from his outstretched hand and took a swift step back. David frowned slightly before shoving his hand in his pocket with a slight shrug like he didn't care.

"Thana, darling, be polite," Teresa hisses through clenched teeth. It was clear she was struggling to keep her voice even, despite her seething anger. Her neck reddened and she was shaking with abrupt anger. "We don't want to be jumping to conclusions now, do we?" Thana glares at her mom, her gaze icy. Internally fuming, she suddenly straightens up and smiles sweetly.

"Don't jump to conclusions?" she choked, her eyes wide with false innocence. "I guess those are the words that a hooker really doesn't want to hear." Satisfaction flickers inside her as she watched Teresa flinch, then struggle to find a retort. Whirling, she storms up the stairs.

"You insolent brat!" Teresa screeches from the bottom of the stairs. "You worthless, pathetic excuse for a-"

"Sorry mom," she snaps over the railing, halfway up. "The mirror is in the bathroom. It's to your right if you didn't know." That quieted Teresa for a moment before she started screaming again.

"How dare you!" she shrilled, her voice jumping up octaves. "I raise you for over fifteen years and this is how you repay me!?"

"Well I'm sorry, I don't think these last five years really count!" Thana snarls. I'm getting really tired of this crap.

"When I get my hands on you, you-"

"I what!? I what?"

"I-I'll, I'm going to-"

"Going to what, kill me!? Because that will make things a whole lot easier!" Thana balled her hands into fists, digging her nails into her palm. Stalking back to her room, she let out a scream of frustration and threw herself down on the bed. A low murmuring starts again downstairs. Straining her ears, she slowly relaxed her fists and lay them on her lap, watching beads of blood well up from where her nails cut into her hands.

"Maybe I should go," came the quiet voice of David. "This is probably because of me."

"It's fine, it's her fault for acting up over such a small matter." She could almost imagine Teresa grabbing his arm, fighting to keep the desperation out of her voice. "She'll adjust." Adjust to what?

"She won't approve of you remarrying," warned David. Thana froze, her eyes widening. Choked sobs shook her, threatening to burst out of her chest. She can't betray Father like that! Refusing to listen any more, Thana buries her face into her pillow.

How could she?

Please, don't bring him in.

Don't bring him into my life.

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