Keith X Lance

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Keith POV
I stroked my manhood slowly as I moaned into my tightly squeezed pillow " Lance ..Lance .."   "This isn't right.."
I shook my head shuddering. I quickly bucked the white transparent substance into my hand, and sure enough those same naughty thoughts that got me into this mess got me hard once again.
" Oh fuck me " I said cursing my body, then right as I was about to begin my nightly ritual once again the doorbell ran recurrently. I quickly pulled up my sweatpants and hurried to the door tripping over myself.

" Keith Keith ! " a familiar voice shouts from the other side of the door, and an euphoric shiver goes down my spine taking a stop at my boner and going all the way down to my toes. Quivering I open the door and a overjoyed Lamce bumps into me.
" I met this beautiful purple haired lady and she seems overly interested in me," he struts across the room striking a stupid pose.

" And you said nobody would bother even looking in my direction " his eyes begin to travel down my body and they finally stop at my bulging crotch that I thought was unnoticeable. " Hey what did ya do dude watch a AV before I came here or something." he looks at me curious with raised eyebrows

" Yeah..something like that." I said scratching my head. " If you'll excuse me I'll take care of this when you le-"
I am stopped in my tracks by a now dominated looking lance.
" H-hey you can let go of my wrist man." I say almost shaking.
" Here's what we are going to do me and you " he uses direct hand language while speaking "We are gonna fuck "                 
I stop and stare at lance before breaking into sheets of laughter.
Lance gives me a look of defeat and disbelief at the same time.
" You expect me to take you seriously "
" I ain't kidding with you " soon enough he proves that his actions do speak louder than his words.
Before I can blink I am tossed into my bed surrounded by pillows with a overly excited lance pondering over me.

Kissing me lightly on my lips and proceeding to introduce his hot tongue into my mouth. I kissed him back, my heart practically pounding in my ears.
Lance's hands began to slide up and down my body caressing my somewhat curvy body.

Now off with these clothes!" Lance stripped me while proceeding to stroke my nipples.

"You're fucking beautiful" he breathed.
I was overflowing with pleasure by now , lance glanced down to see my boner poking from my pants.
"I'm okay, rea –" my throbbing erection is grabbed and just from his touch an electric shock is sent once again from head to toe.
I let out an almost girlish moan quickly covering my mouth, i lock eyes with him and spot lance's pleased reaction he soon begins to stroke my member slowly, very slowly which soon drives me crazy causing me to dig my heels into the bedsheets.
" Ah~ lance please d-don't"
" Stop what?" His hand is replaced by his hot and slimy tounge.
lance pokes around at my opening before shoving two fingers inside and then giving me an apologetic look.
Speechless in the moment my body shudders and I don't know if this feels good yet, but it sure doesn't hurt.
With his fingers probing around inside me he touches a spot that feels impeccably good and from seeing my reaction he rubs it even more vigorously.
" Gah..nnh please...gonna cum" he keeps on at it regardless of my warning and I decide to let it be.
My hips are now swaying on their own and I can feel the pressure rising in them.
I finally buck in his mouth I look down to see the mess but there is none
" H-hey don't tell me you swallowed that idiot it's dirty?!"
No answer but my hips are lifted up and lance pulls out his member unfair in size.
"Y-you can't put that in me it's t-"
He makes a purring sound from the back of his throat and shushes me.

He slowly coaxes his member inside me while caressing my face and kissing me passionately.
His hips involuntary thrust forward shoving all of him inside me. Unable to speak i clutch my hands on to his back.
My skin is flushed pink against Lance's tanned body and I begin to feel somewhat self conscious. But those thoughts are quickly interrupted by a familiar exhilarating sensation I had felt earlier.
Unable to last my cock spills over lance's hand until all I see is white.
We both moan at the sensation, well lance groans and it is all most too much but not enough.
Lance begins to thrust slow and sloppy and buries his face in my neck.
With a groaning lance on top of me I begin to feel the almost too hot sensation of his seed and cry out unexpectedly.
His groan is muffled against my hot flesh and I immediately realize I was still wearing my stupid fingerless gloves.
The fabric of my glove nudges against lance's hand and he soon accepts my offering by locking fingers with me. My face heats up as I realize I'll never be able to look at these gloves without remembering this moment again.
( Sorry for the short story lmao )

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