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Hey guys! Its me, Techno! I havent been on wattpad in what seems like YEARS. But hey, im not dead ^-^. I want to start expanding the world of my oc's to you all, and what way to start then the VERY beggining. Point of views (POV) will constantly change and you may come across minor spelling errors (so dont get angry ;-; ). but I hope you enjoy the new direction my stories will go too. I havent really found a spark in writing nc books anymore but im not giving up on trying. So, without further a do....ehhhh enjoy!!!
Techno Pov
  "GET HIM." yells a bunch of angry old thugs. Their voices exceed in getting louder and more aggressive as im blocking their gunshots and running out of their way. I dont look behind me, but I proceed into using everything I can to slow the group down. "COME BACK HERE" they scream. I laugh and continue running, throwing boxes and barrels from getting them to catch up with me. Its fun and all seeing them struggle, trying to get me. I make my way across the street, sliding over the hood of a driving car, making my way to the other side of the road. Their all hesisitant to pass. Traffic was going by pretty fast, but im faster. I do the ol' military salute and I use my rainbow neon super speed to speed on down the walkway. Yes, thats my power, neon super speed. It comes in handy. I admire the passing  people and  multiple stores and cars as im running throughout the city. I finally made it home, so I stopped using my super speed to conserve my energy. "Home sweet home." I say to myself.
  I use my key to unlock the door, but as im walking in, a toy ball smacks me in my face. "WHAT THE--HEY!!!" I holler. "YES WE GOT HIM" brick says, high fiving his sister silvia. Brick and silvia were artificially created children, made by my little sister chill and her best friend force, using a lab kit bought by my parents. Brick is a lego minifigure boy and silvia has balloon wings. We consider them part of the family, even though they get on our nerves. But they make up for it by being cute, I guess.
    "Heyo kiddo" my dad says, walking in. "Hey dad" I say, making my way upstairs. "How is your vigilante work going?" He said. I stop, sigh, and turn his way, not even half way up the stairs. "Dad. Stop calling me that" "well son, you know its true." I sigh again. "Dad im not a vigilante, im just young and I look to rebel things" "like what? Stealing things from civilians and causing havoc around the city? Oh wait! Thats just you having 'fun' right?" I roll my eyes. "You can't live your life like that son. Especially at this age. And for what? A couple of new gadgets to show to your other 'fun having' teenage friends?" He tells me, picking up silv. "Dad, when will you except the fact that I dont want to grow up and live my life like you. Im not evil, but i dont wanna do good things all my life either" I said, gripping the stair handle. "This house hold raises heroes, techno glowing neon. Not vigilantes who enjoy robbing and stealing." I proceed to roll my eyes again. He walks over to me and reaches in my jacket pocket. "Hey HEY" I shout. He pulls out a chain necklace, the thing those thugs were chaising me for. "Risking your life for THIS? a 10 carrot chained necklace??" He asks. "IT WAS JUST SITTING THERE" I tell him. "Thats no excuse." He says, putting it in his pants pocket. "What are you doing? Thats mine!" I remind him. "No, its not yours. It belongs to those civilians. And your gonna return it back to them tomorrow." He orders. "BUT DAD!" I shout. "No butts. Dinner will be ready in 10, you better show up" he says, walking off. I grunt and run up the stairs, going into my room.
   9 minutes later....
"And then he just, put it in his pocket and walked off!" I tell my friends over oovoo. Its a video chatting app me and my friends use to talk to eachother, almost daily."Maybe he wanted the necklace" sweets says, adjusting her pillow. "Yeah. Maybe your dad thought he deserved it and not you" parri says. "Guys. Do you HONESTLY think MY dad would keep something borrowed from civilians? They werent even civilians, they were thugs! For all I know they couldve stole that necklace, I was doing them a favor!" I tell them. "By 'borrowing' it?" Parri says. "We all know you stole it tech" sweets says, giggling. "hsfdugduegeugw NO I DIDNT!!" They both laugh. "IM JUST BORROWING IT FOR A LONG..LONG...LONG TIME THATS ALL!!!!!" i freak out. "Sure tech, suuurrreeee" parri says.
     "A yo dork" my little sister chill says, opening my room door. "Ever heard of knocking?" I say. "Ever heard of locking?" She says back. "God I love her" sweets says. "Dinners ready fatty, dad wants you down" she tells me. "Well tell dad, that tech isnt hungry" I say. "Did you just refer to yourself in 3rd person" she asks. "Wait what no I was gdydudiksje I was telling you what to say" "so you want me to say that tech said that tech isnt hungry?" She asks again. "To a certain extent yes" I said. "Thats a lot of things to say when I could just say tech isnt hungry" she replies. "WELL THEN JUST SAY THAT" I tell her. "But you said that you werent hungry so I have to include the tech said part, smart one!" she said. "HHSVGDGDIDHDIDHIDHDI" I freak. "SO WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY" she shouts. "FOR FUCKS SAKE CHILL I'LL GO TELL HIM" I respond. She pops her gum. "Thank you" she says before slamming my door. "She's such a pain in the booty" I tell my friends. "I like her" sweets said. "She's hilarious." Parri says, milly rocking. "I'll call you back guys" i tell them. "Kk" sweets said. "Cya tech" parri says. I hang up and put my tablet up, heading downstairs.
  As im walking passed the kitchen, everyone is already sitting at the dinner table. "Well look who decided to show up" dad says. "Uh yeah about that--" "come sit down sweetie!" My mom interrupts. "Um..." "yeah, come join us punk!" My older sister electro says. "Well...why not" I say, sitting down on the end. "Now, lets all bow our head in prayer" my mom says. As my dads blessing the food, I couldnt help but think why dad wanted me down here so bad. If he's gonna mention that vigilante mess im leaving. "Amen" everyone says, proceeding to pick up their utensils and gobble down their food. "Brick, how was the last day of 1st grade?" My mom asks. "OH IT WAS AWESOME!! We got to be at recess the entire school day! I chased around my friends as the big bad wolf guy thing :D" he tells us. "OH CHYEEAH? MY LAST DEH OF SKOOL WASH FUN 2 MOMMIE!!" silvia exclaims. "Oh really? How." My mom asks. "I GOT TO CHASE PEOPLE WITH MY FISTS!!" She tells us all. "Wow, sounds like me." Electro says.  "Well. Reggae, electro. Hows it feel like never having school again?" Mom asks. "Well I never had school since the 11th grade, sooooo" electro says. "*coughs* drop out *coughs *" chill jokes over the table. "Watch it, princess." Electro tells her. "Girls." My mom says. "And what about you, reggae?" Mom asks. Reggae looks up from his plate with a mouth full of food dropping from his mouth, staring at us in confusion."sgsvwhatgvshsgs" he says, his words were all mumbled and weird. "Yikes, chill out mr. Hungry, save some for the starving kids of the world" chill jokes. "Chill." Mom eyes. "What? It was just a joke. but the amount of food reg consumes could honestly be enough food to cure world hunger" she exclaims. Electro holds back her laugh while reggae doesn't even care and continues to mow down on his food. "Speaking of chill, what was 7th grade like?" Electro starts. "Well, of course you would ask, since you missed almost half of your 7th grade year" chill sassily responds back. "CHILL OUT PRINCESS" "WELL STOP THINKING WITH YOUR FISTS AND MAYBE THINK MORE WITH THAT PEANUT SIZED BRAIN OF YOURS" chill yells back. "Girls.." mom says. "SPOILED BRAT" electro yells. "OVERRATED DRAMA QUEEN" chill yells back. "GIRls..." mom nearly shouts, raising her voice. Just then, chill jumps over the table attacking electro. "STUPID BISGSTSFHSHWY" chill screams. I silently watch my sisters repeatedly punch and attack eachother. Dad is paying no mind, brick and silv are cheering them on, and mom, well. She looks like she's about to explode. I watch her take a big deep breathe an- "GIIIIRRRRRLLLLLLLLLSSSSSSS." She screams. The entire room goes silent and chill runs back to her seat. Its about silent for 14 more seconds before mom finally breaks the silence.
   "Techno. Dear. How was your day?" She asks. Dad looks over my way, expecting me to say I hung out till night to "rob" a couple of no good thugs. "It was....was an experience." I say. "Why did you come home so late ya weirdo?" electro asks. "Yeah tech. Tell your mother why you came home so late today???" Dad instagates.  I look at him, then look back at mom. "I was uh...having fun." I tell them. Im honestly ready to leave the table but im trying to be respectful. "What kinda fun, tech." Dad insigates AGAIN. " know...." "stealing valuable items from civilians 'fun'" dad adds. I look at him. "Dad....stop" I calmly say. "What do you mean 'dad stop'? You stole from innocent people!" He talks. "Dad.." I calmly say. "And the sad part is, this isnt the 1st time!" He exclaims. Everyone's looking at me, and moms looking very confuzzled. "You've been stealing for months now!" "Tech...what is your dad talking about?" Mom asks. "Hunny I've been keeping up with his vigilante foolery for far to long. Our son is a CRIMINAL." dad exaggerates. "dad what!!!!???" I shout. "Im no where CLOSE to be one of those super villains you and mom destroyed, I took a stolen necklace from some thugs!" I plead. "WELL WHY DIDNT YOU GIVE IT BACK" dad shouts. "I HAD NO CHOICE. IT WAS SHINY CMON!!!"  I shout back. "THATS NO EXCUSE" dad shouts again. "Reggie." Mom calmly says. The kids, electro and reggae look back and forth at us screeching at eachother. "Reggie, cool it." Mom says. "WE RAISE HEROES, A HEROIC LEGACY THAT WILL CONTINUE YEARS FROM NOW" dad continues. I sit back in my seat and sink down a bit. "WHEN WE WERE YOUNG WE DIDNT ACT LIKE THIS" he shouts a-fucking-gain. "I dont CARE what you guys did when you were young, that has nothing to do with ME." I tell dad. "WELL--" "TECHNO. REGGIE. SHUT YOUR FREAKING MOUTHS." mom interupts, shouting. "We can never have a decent dinner without someone pointing a knife at someones throat!" Mom reminds us all. "This isnt the right way to act--" "whale how did chu an daddie act??" Silvia interupts. Its silent for a second. "Yeah, like a how did you meet" brick adds. "You always talk about how you saved the world, but never exactly told us how, ya know?" Electro says. Reggae nods licking his plate.
   "Well....thats a great question" mom says. "Reggie, lets tell the kids a story" "like what." Dad says, obviously still heated. "About how you met!" brick says. Dad sighs. "Well you have to listen." Dad reminds. "We can both tell the story dear, it'll be lightening for the kids." Mom adds. Dad takes another deep sigh. "Alright." He says. Everyone stares their way except me, looking away still upset. "Here's the story of how your parents" dad points to him and mom. "Can save, the world."
Ok so first off im surprised you probably read all that. Second off, WHVDHDGSHSBBSKSH TECHNOS FAMILY IS A FUCKING TRAGIC MESS. But now you know about his siblings and basically what he puts up with daily. But so far, what are you mainly looking forward to reading from this book or me in general? Let me know down in that chatting box section thing! Until next time ♥
                       ~Techy da fat cheeseburga

How your parents can save the world |  TechyisntkawaiiWhere stories live. Discover now