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   Henlo!!! Sorry for my blatant absence tablet wouldnt turn on for me to publish the chapter after it glitched and made me retype it like 4 times. Soooooo i took a break and revised some things and now i will write my books from my shitty phone! So anyway, enjoy the long awaited first chapter!!
  "It was the year of 1995-"   "no dear i think it was '97" Mom interrupts. Dad scolds her. "It was the year of 1997...."

   And it was a sunny morning at naughtycollege, as usual. I remember it like it was yesterday....watching us teenagers back then laying on the grass, sitting on the steps, reading our graphic novels or bragging about our new phones. "Lol, like what? PAGERS??!" Electro jokes. "Let your father finish 'tro. Ok sweetie, continue" my wife responds. AHEM-----  i was walking along the sidewalk from campus to the front part of the school with my buddy, joey. "JOEY? you mean the man that you play cards with every friday?" chill asks. "Yes chill, that joey" i say. "Anyway..." we were having our usual guy talks every morning, ya know just talking about everything new at the time.
    "Yo yo reg!!" Joey shouts. "joe!! Wassup man?!" I shout back. We do our signature handshake and then our amazing old school chest bump and continue walking. "Whats good?" He asks. "Man...nothing much. College isnt my for-tay" i answer. "Well i mean, you did get kicked out of 2 already." I punch him in the arm. "Im not exactly college material" "hm...i didnt think you were any kind of material anyway" joey jokes. I stop and stare at him. "YA LITTLE--" "BAHAHAH!!" he laughs running off. I laugh running behind him, getting closer and closer to the school. Finally we make it... and then  BAM, A shoe gets thrown at my fricken face. "Sweetie it was an accident" drew says. I scold her once more. "I still feel the pain to this day....." "awhhh honey" she wines, kissing me. "can you finish the story already?" Chill asks. "Ahem- of course" i tell them. Anyway... as im falling to the ground, i see joey stop to turn to help me up. "YO MAN U OK?" he asks. I hold the side of my head. "Does it look like im ok?" "OH MY GOD..IM SO SORRY" a voice says. It was very soft, angelic, sweet, faint, lovel--"GROSS!!" brick shouts. "Get on with it old man" electro says.
  "ARE YOU BADLY HURT???" She asks, kneeling down to me. I open my eyes slowly to see a semi short skinny mixed beauty with amazing natural curly dark blue hair and the boldest yet softest yellow eyes standing in front of me to my aid. "N--no" i studder. I kneel up. "Suddenly, i feel fine." The girl smiles. "Im reggie." I tell her. The girl holds her heart. "Im drew....sorry for the shoe by the way" she exclaims. "Chyeah...its coolio." I respond. "Ew...coolio??? Are you serious?" Techno asks. "IT WAS THE LINGO BACK IN THE DAY-ZO!" I tell my children. "Ew" "ohmygod" "what did you just say" "i just mentally threw up" they all say in unison. "You know what...nevermind. ANYWHO.."   "are you sure your ok???" Drew asks, helping me up off the grass. "Yeah, totally didnt even feel it hhahahahah" i play off. Drew smiles. "Well thats good.." i walk over to grab the shoe off the ground. "Is it yours?" I ask her. "Yeah, sorry about that again i really apologize" she pleads, grabbing the shoe from my hands gently and applying them back onto her feet. "How did it hit me?" I ask "well i--" "NOT THAT IT HURT OR ANYTHING....HAHAHA" your mom looks at me confused, but giggles anyway. "I was trying to make it less awkward dear." She exclaims. "So you made me believe i was funny for 20+ years?" I ask. Reggae pats my back. "You were never funny dad" "well thanks son. I really needed that."  "I was trying to practice my cheers" she tells me. "Oh, you cheer?" I ask. "Nahhh, i dance. But the dance team here sucks, so i went to the next big thing." She explains. "Ah, i see. So, cheering for what?" I ask, trying to keep a conversation going.
    "Well for many things. Pep rallys, football games, cheer competitions, weddings..." "weddings???" I question. "Yeah, weddings. You would be surprised how many old men want young college teenagers to perform upbeat dance moves in mini skirts at weddings....its, a lot" drew informs. "Well...aha good to know" "yeah..." we have an awkward 3 second silence clinching our backpack straps or books before someone shouts drews name across the front yard. "Oh..thats my friend. I should go." She tells me. "Oh yeah, sure go ahead" "see you later in the halls maybe???? We can talk more then" she explains. I nod. "See ya..." she waves, walking off to her friends by the front door steps. "Yo....who was that" joey asks. "Drew." I tell him. "Shes hot" joey says. I punch him in the other arm. "Calm your dick bro. Shes not even like that." I tell him. We both look at drew dancing with her friends, laughing and giggling. "So...what is she then?" He asks. "My future wife" i tell him. He bursts out laughing slapping my chest. "GOOD ONE MAN..GOOD ONE." He walks off laughing. "MY FUTURE WIFE!1! AHAGA THATS HILARIOUS. WHOO"

   All of the kids stop and stare at their father from across the table. " that it" techno asks. "You met dad by launching a shoe towards his head?" Chill snarks. "It was an accident dear" i tell her. "Maybe i should do that" reggae says. "Reggae please do not throw a shoe at someones head" dad tells him. "But maybe then i can get a girlfriend!!" He exclaims. "Reg, you HAVE a girlfriend." Techno reminds. Reggae looks around puzzled. "I have a girlfriend??" He shockingly asks. Then, like a light bulb, he lit up. "Oh, i do have girlfriend!" He says, leaning back into his chair. "Maybe if you would keep your dick in anything but a hole you would remember you have a actual girlfriend" electro mumbles. Silvia and brick's eyes light up "OOOOOOO" brick shouts. "WATS A DIHCK?" silvia asks. Chill and techno silently giggle. "ITS NOTHING SWEETHEART..." i cover in nervousness. I dont want to expose my children to that kind of language, even though electro and reggae probably say it everyday!!!! "Electro, can you please take our plates?" I ask, giving her complete eye contact, trying to change the subject. She stares at me back. "What am i? A housewife? Why cant reggae do it??? Or silvia!!!!!!" She asks, with a slight but extremely noticeable attitude.  "Well, reggae is still remembering that he has a girlfriend" tech exclaims, looking at reggae still leaned back fascinated at the thought of him being in a relationship he completely forgot existed. "And silvia....well" "brick du chie have a dihck?" Silvia whispers. "Well you get the point" tech continues.
Electro takes a deep sigh. "FINEEEE!!!" she gets up and grabs everyones plates, almost breaking them in half with her strong grip, leaving a very prominent crack.
   "Are you gonna finish the story or wat" brick asks. "Yeah c'mon dad finish!!!" Chill insists. "Ok ok." Reggie exclaims. "Then i--"
"WAIT!" i interupt. "I think i can tell this part." Reggie looks at me. "Well uh, go ahead" he says. I look at him and smile, and take a breath to speak. "It was the same day, a few minutes later, at naughtycollege 1997......"
  Oh wow!!! So now we finally get to see the different structures of the book! From modern day to 1997...a lot has changed!!!! I wonder what happens? Well i mean i already know what happens since i already pre wrote the book but-- NVM U GET THE POINT. i would also like to note that all of my books events are cannon, but the years and ages are not. I have multiple universes where ages and such are altered but usually the events stay the same. So in this book it might take place in moderm day 2017 and the story the parents are telling takes place in 1997...or in another universe it would ne 1994. certain stories take place in certain universes and thats why characters ages are different. So yeah imma stop talking now bye
                  ~ tech the talkative busted

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