Chapter 4 - Pool Party

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Alex's P.O.V

It was Saturday and this girl from my college was having a massive pool party! Result!! I spent the whole day pampering myself so I looked good for this party.

I think Liam is going and he hasn't text me since he asked for my number on Tuesday... I don't really care like I didn't know him but he just made me feel special and then ripped it away from me like wtf?

It got to 6pm and Summer came round so that we could get ready together and then have a couple of pre-drinks.

"So you gonna show Liam what he's missing?" Summer questioned.

"I don't really care that much, I'm dressing for me but sure if it makes him feel shit then yeah I'm doing that too!!" I laughed.

"Is Shawn going?" She asked me.

"I assume so, why?" I replied.

"He so has a thing for you, the way he was looking at you the other night and the fact that he came and met you afterwards!!" Summer exclaimed.

"You realise his hands were all over some other girl that night, right?" I laughed. "Plus I don't like him like that, he is a teenage boy who's mind is in his pants."

She laughed and rolled her eyes.

My mum dropped us to the party as I was intoxicated so I was unable to drive.

When we arrived there must have been about 200 people there already. I was completely drunk by 11.

"Hey." Liam said from behind me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"To talk to you." He replied putting his hands around my waist, he was obviously as drunk as I was because he was swaying from side to side.

"You don't deserve to get to talk to me... ask for my number and then never call or text. Yeah I don't think so." I said as I pushed him off of me, turned away and walked outside into the garden where people were jumping in the pool.

I sat down on a bench not realising there was someone next to me.

"Hello, fancy seeing you here." The voice chuckled.

I turned my head and Shawn was sitting next to me.

"Oh, hi." I laughed.

"I saw you in there speaking to Liam... Are you's a thing now?" He asked.

"What? No!! He asked for my number the other night at the cafe and it made me feel so special right..." He nodded. "And then he just never called or texted me, like who does that?!? Like mate, I've had enough people showing that they don't care about me, I don't need some low life boy, that I don't even know, do it too!! And then he has the nerve to come up to me and touch me and say he wanted to talk to me?!? I'm not a booty call for fuck sake!!!" I ranted. "Sorry I don't know why I just said all that..." I apologised.

"Don't apologise... just wasn't expecting you to tell me all of that, that's all..." He explained.

I just stared at the floor.

"Who shows you that they don't care?" He asked.

"I'm fostered, Shawn, I have moved from about 6 different families all because they don't want me anymore... let alone my real parents." I said as a tear slipped out of my eye.

Shawn was silent for a minute before he grabbed my hand and stood me up.

"Look, Alex. All those people who don't care aren't worth your tears and right now you're at a party so I suggest that you cheer up and go and dance!" He said to me.

I smiled, "I will, thank you." I said before taking off my dress, leaving me in my bikini and jumping into the pool.

When I resurfaced I saw Shawn smiling at me from above the water.

"You coming in?" I said laughing up at him.

He laughed before taking off his shirt and jumping in, which splashed me in the face so when he came back up above the water I splashed him back.

It wasn't long before we were in a full on splash war. This carried on for a little while before both of us gave up.

"Thank you for cheering me up." I said to Shawn.

"I think you did that all by yourself." He laughed. "Do you wanna get out of here?" He asked.

"And go where?" I questioned.

"Riverside." He smiled.

So we got out of the pool and dried off, I text Cody and told him to look after Summer... whether it was readable or not I do not know. I'm way too drunk.

We walked to Riverside and we just laid on the ground, looking up at the sky.

"Sing for me." He laughed. He was obviously drunk too.

"Nooooo, that's embarrassing." I chuckled.

"Then sing with me." He said as he started singing 'Lego House' by Ed Sheeran.

His voice was so amazing, I loved listening to it in class... I joined in, singing along with him. I had my eyes closed, and was still singing when I realised he no longer was. I opened my eyes and he was starring intently at me.

"You have a really good voice." He smiled.

"You're only saying that because you're drunk." I laughed.

"I'm not!" He whined.

Then we just carried on looking at the sky.

This was so nice, Shawn and I had never actually been friends. I thought that he hated me and only thought I was good looking because he was a boy and would take anything. Maybe that is the case and he's only acting like this because he's drunk...


I was right... the week after he didn't speak to me at all really other than the few comments about my arse or wanting to get in my car.

I would see him around college with that Becky girl a lot but he never looked interested in her. He probably just hangs around her for sex...

In music class he would only talk to me about our coursework and he never seemed like he cared at all. He would try and find ways that he could sit with his friends instead of working on the song with me and frankly I didn't care. The way he was acting made me want to be as far away from him as possible.

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