That dream/ AN sorta

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Raritys POV

Jackie had fallen asleep on me, it was cute, but tomorrow was her birthday and I had to think of a way to tell her I'm pregnant. Maybe I should tell her now? Hmm. I'll tell her now, I shook Jackie wanting her to wake up " Jackie, baby?" I whispered, no response. "J-Jackie" I whispered a little louder, still no reponse I sighed and decided to shout "Jackie!" She woke up and looked at me, "yes?" She said tiredly " I need to tell you something" I said and blushed "ok?" She asked. " ummmm, Pregnant" I whispered the last part but she heard me and then hugged me tight. Jackie was so happy. "How long?!" She asked. "1...Month" I replied shyly. "YASSS!!!"she screamed. But maybe she shouldn't have screamed, it's 2am...

Applejacks POV

I got told finally!, I can't wait till our baby is born! I had a fangirling moment. "Eekkkk I can't wait!!" I squealed then laid kisses on rares.
"J-Jackie, s-stop" rares whispered and I stooped. "What's wrong babe?" I asked concerned and she looked at me then hugged into me tight "d-don't leave me! I need you!" She cried and I put my head on hers. " I won't, I love you too much"

(Time skip to the next day)

I was going out with rarity today to look for baby stuff. "Rares?"I asked her
"Jackie?" She said back "do the others know that your pregnant?" I say then gripping on to her hand as some guys were looking at her and winking " n-no they don't" rares said starting to blush "when are you gonna tell them" she smiled and me then gave me a grin and I was confused then I looked at her grin and "wha- , nope your pregnant you tell them" I said and seen her grin disappear "but Jackie I told you and twilight and fluttershy" she said giving me puppy dog eyes . " Finne!" I sighed.

(In gonna skip to the point :T )

Applejacks POV (8 months later but this is all a dream)

"I was in the backyard talking with rainbow dash cause she was helping me with a few thing then we heard rarity scream " Rarity?!" I ran to rarity and she was in pain " w-what's wrong?!!!" I yelled, rainbow was beside me
"The-the baby!!, I think it's coming!!" Rarity huffed and yelled and I grabbed her "c'mon lets get to the hospital, phone the girls rainbow!" I ran for my life, I was finally gonna be a parent I was happy and nervous. We arrived and I yelled for a doctor then one came and got rarity and zoomed her to a room. I went with rarity but I wasn't allowed in the room so I waited outside. A few minutes past and I haven't heard anything soon after a doctor came out with a sad expression. " what's wrong doc?" I asked getting scared "I'm sorry miss apples but, rarity and the baby, they didn't make it" he said and left my eyes widened and I burst out in tears 'N-Noooo!' I thought. I ran in the room and seen rarity lying there, dead."

I woke up sweating and panting. I looked around "Rarity?!" I saw rarity lying next to me and I hugged her so tight and I cried "Jackie?" She turned to me " are you ok?" She looked in my eyes and seen I was crying then she kissed my tears and smiled." It's ok, what's wrong?" She asked "d-dream" I managed to say while crying still. " it must be a really bad dream if your crying babe" rares said and layed her head on my chest I smiled when she done this." Can we talk bout it tomorrow?" I asked her and she smiled "yep" she then fell asleep on me. I don't know what my life would be like with out rarity.

Hi guys sorry this was short,I just want to say. I have no more ideas for this book and if anyone wants to take over the book and write it your way, be my guest, just comment and say you want to continue it. I give you permission. Thanks for reading

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