(My prov) I was walking to my room till I jerd moans from davids room (forgive me) I opened tje door to see him jerking off qnd I qickly closed the door and ran blushing like 50 shades of scarlet so I ran to slendy and he said lazari come meet the new proxy
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I nodded he looked finukar he hugged mw saying "LAZARI OMG YOUR OK I THOUGHT YOU MOTHER KILLED YOU WHEN WE WERE KIDS!!!."....then I remembered he was ryan my old bff and next door neighbor...I never thought he'd be friends with me sence I was a monster sooo I am here and now he is the new peoxy I am paniking!!! So ryan what happened to your eye rhwts missing.ryan:a girl who was weird named jessic (sorry if it your name but not sorry)pull it out and stabed it 4 an houde so yea there that explaintion lazari soo tell mee what tour doing at slender mansion.ryan had said all of that........
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