Chapter One - Clarissa

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" I will come for you, wait for me."

A guy in a charming white suit whispered into my ears as he walked past me in a heavy rain, I turned back to take a look at his face but he disappears into thin air. I ran and ran to search for him but he seems to not be anywhere and I ended up in the woods, with all the trees surrounding me. Soon, shadows started appearing by the trees.

"Who is there?" I asked, shivering as I took a few steps backs.


What? I woke up in confusion on the floor. I guessed I dropped onto the floor when I was sleeping. I went to the bathroom to take a warm bath and changed into my uniform to get ready for school. Like every other day, after I got ready, I put on my spectacles and went to the kitchen for my milo.

"Quickly finish your milo and head to school." My grandmother nagged as she handed my allowance to me. "$5? What crap can I buy with $5?" I asked with anger as she pick my baby cousin up. "Take it or leave it." She said with strictness and the death glare. Now I don't want to go against the death glare so I took it and put it in my wallet. "We ain't some rich ass family y'know?" My mum appeared out of nowhere with a cigarette in her mouth. "Well we ain't that poor as well y'know." I rolled my eyes as I carried my bag and head for the door.

"No more troubles, understand me?" My mum glared at me as I nodded my head and locked the gates. Well I won't fight against that sentence as I have been creating trouble for the past three years that I have been in this school.

"Out from your suspension so quickly?" Kat appeared with a big smile plastered on her face as she sees me. "Yea, okay that staircase there okay?" I nodded as I pointed at the staircase at a nearby building. We went up to level 4 as she checked for cameras. Well she would only do this because we're in uniform. "Coast clear, here's a cigarette." She smiled as she offered me a cigarette, I took it and light it up with a lighter from my pocket.

"How's suspension?" She asked as she inhaled the smoke. "Boring, why didn't you find me?" I asked as she scratched her head in guilt. "I was working after school... Sorry Clarissa..." She answered with guilt exhaling the smoke.

Soon we quickly took our last puffs and we sprayed perfume on ourselves, but she does the extra work on putting hand cream and breath mints for herself. We quickly ran to school before we get caught by Mrs Heather for being late.

In class

Mrs Fobez walked in class for our first period, Maths. "Back from your suspension I see, Miss Clarissa." She watched me like a hawk as she walked around the class, checking if anyone has forgotten to bring their textbooks. "Yes I am back and may have forgotten to bring my textbook." I answered calmly, but she smiled as this is a chance to get me out of her class and even humiliate me. "Go and find Mrs Heather, she will know what to do with you." She giggled softly as she text Mrs Heather, informing her.

I walked out of the classroom and walked into Mrs Heather's office. "Back from suspension and creating trouble again?" Mrs Heather asked, glaring at me. " Sorry then, I'm not feeling well too..." I said with crocodile tears as I hugged my stomach. "Cramps?" She asked and I nodded. "I had it since last night that's why it was difficult for me to focus on packing my bag." I said in pain. "Alright, I'll excuse you. You may head to the infirmary for a few periods for your cramps to wear off." Mrs Heather said as she issued an excuse letter for the infirmary. I took it and walked out of the office and saw Drake smiling. "No lessons?" I asked him as he shook his head. "Infirmary." He replied with a smile. "Congrats" I giggled as we headed to the infirmary together.

We both handed the excuse letter to the staff at the infirmary and headed to the beds at the end. "Goodnight!" We laughed at each other and dozed off to our naps.

Drake shook me up and pulled me to the canteen. " I'm tired." I said with my eyes still almost closed. " It's lunchtime, my dear." Kat appeared as she showed me a plate of sushi, my favourite food. "Now that isn't enough for lunch!" I opened my eyes wide snatching the plate. "There's more, there's more. I'll get some more for you alright?" Kat patted my head like I was a little girl. I find a seat to eat my sushi in peace as Kat gets more for me.

It's been awhile and I finished my plate of sushi, where's Kat and Drake? I looked around and they weren't there. I left the plate on the table and looked around for Kat and Drake.

"ah..." I started to hear moaning from the janitor's room and I peeped in. A peep won't hurt right?

"Drake..." Yasmin moaned out Drake's name with Kat by the side. Drake, Kat and Yasmine? Ewww is that a threesome? And with Yasmin? Seriously? Those two obviously knew I hated her guts so why this happened? Well this peep certainly changed my life. I walked out and went to the toilet to wash my face. Well let's just go with the flow...

The next day

"Drake, Katherine and Clarissa. Please go to Mrs Heather office. She wants to have a interesting talk with three of you." Mr James, our English teacher said as we headed there.

"Drake, can you pass me your bag?" Mrs Heather asked as Drake passed her his bag.

"Can I ask, what's this?" Mrs Heather asked facing Kat and I. Well it's weird when she should be asking Drake because it's from his bag. "It's Clarissa's!" Kat said in panic. I opened my eyes open as I looked at both of them. They're blaming me? They avoided eye contact with me as Mrs Heather glares at me. " I'm calling your mother, and say goodbye to your friends, you are being expelled. But you still can find another school, let's see which school would want you after your long record from this two and a half years is being shown. " Mrs Heather shouted in anger as Drake and Kat got shocked.

We walked out of the office as she called my mum. "I'm sorry..." Drake and Kat kept following me, seeking for forgiveness. I turned back to them and said in anger, " usually yea for you guys because you both are my friends, I would forgive. But this time, no. You both not only fucked with yourselves but also Yasmin. Are you serious? You both knew how much she used to bully me." I said with tears streaming down my face as they got shocked and stood there speechless.

I ran away, crying. I ran far away, towards the rooftop. Now no one will ever be there for me ever again. It used be no one until Drake and Kat showed up, but now it's back to the same old days where I will have no one by my side. Going through the same shit again? I ain't dealing with it again. I took out a pair of scissors and started slashing my wrist. With the blood stains on my whole wrist for a few minutes, nothing is happening. My breath isn't stopping, neither was my tears. So I threw my bag and scissors aside and climbed up the fences around the roof. I gave a big smile and jumped. "Now, I'm going to be free." I giggled with tears flowing.

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