"Gods of Olympus!"

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Nico's p.o.v.

I was one of the first people up at camp, so when I'm greeted by a mob of mortals with cameras something's not right.

"Look it's one of them now," some lady with a microphone says.
How did they even find us, I think before running to the Poseidon cabin. I didn't even bother knocking. "Percy, Jason, wake up! Wake up! Wake up!", I yelled at them. "Nicccooo, it's like 6 in the morning," Jason whined from under the sheets. "Well unless you want a bunch of mortals in Camp Half-Blood, get up!" That seemed to get their attention as they both bolted up almost hitting their head on the top bunk and got clothes on. "Go get the rest of the 7." Says Percy, instantly on alert.

"Annabeth up it's an emergency!" I say before getting Piper telling her the same thing. Then got Leo and Chiron., Telling him he might want to come in his wheelchair.

This is going to interesting.

Annabeth p.o.v.

How did they even find the camp, the mist makes it impossible. I get dressed as fast as I could after Nino came by and go outside. That's a lot of people and cameras.

"Can you see how many people are there?" I asked no one in particular. "Jason and I already did", said Piper in her cute little morning voice, "practically all of New York is here." Great, then Chiron came. "Get the rest of the Camp counselors and vice counselors", he said, " and a megaphone." We ran around waking up all the counselors and telling the campers to stay in their beds.

"How do we know no campers are out there." asked Will.

"This is were the megaphone comes in. Talk into it in Greek" he said so I did. Our megaphone is loud compared to others. I said, "Υπάρχουν κάποιοι κατασκηνωτές εκεί έξω, αν αυτό συμβαίνει στην αρίθμηση των τριών που τρέχουν στον σύμβουλό σας, Εάν κολλήσετε κραυγή τόσο δυνατά όσο μπορείτε και μην σταματήσετε (Are any campers out there, if so on the count of three run to your counselors. If you get stuck scream as loud as you can and don't stop.  I used Google, okay so it might be off I don't know. "ένας, δύο, τρία." (one, two, three).

 Next thing I know a bunch of campers are running into the border. I heard a scream, it sounded like a little girl.  "Leo get her!" and he started sprinting. Then I heard another one and another one. "Percy, Jason go!". They knew what we were doing and I did not like it. This time I heard at least five boys. "Piper, Will, Nico, Travis, Connor get them." Every time I heard a new one we ran to the point of at least a cabin and a half of kids were found. Even parents were helping, probably knowing their demigods. We had every camper until some stupid mortal really close to the border pulled out a gun holding it to a campers head and it was not just any camper. It's Harley!  Leo looked like he was going to lose it.

"No one goes out of out the border," I said before Harley's siblings did something we will regret, because of this no one moved. I looked at Piper hoping she got the message and thankfully she did "Excuse me, Sir. can you please put the gun down and let him go" her charm speak kicking in. The man did as she said and Harley got into the border.

After me and the rest of the 7 stood just inside the camps border with everyone else a little bit back. "So how did you find us." Nico asked braking the silence.

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