Chapter 5

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*Jacob gets in his car*

Yn:where you goin?

Jacob:where do you think I'm goin? *sounding angry*

Yn:what about the party and err'one??

Jacob:I dont know and I dont care okay!!Ya'll can do whatever,eat,drink or whatever!I dont care!*shouting*

Yn:okay!no need to bite mah head off!geez

Jacob:aww!sorry Yn,its just that...

how can she do this to me?after everything...I've always been there for her,I've never cheated on her...

today was suppose to be our 7th month anivassary...and...

Im sorry its just that*wheeping*

Yn:no!its ok,its fine...I dont have any right words to say to you right now,but know that I'm here for you ok*rubs his back

Jacob:thanx!thats all I needed to hear

Yn:come here you *grabs him and give him a long tight comforting hug*

Yn:drive safe ok and if you need anything,you know where to shout

Jacob:*smiles a lil*thanx!I will

      >>>>>>BACK AT HOME<<<<<<<

You get home to find your mom at home cooking.

Mom:back so early

Yn:yeah!I decided to come back because I was feeling kind of tired

Mom:aww...*seems suspiscious*so...where have you been?

Yn:at Jada's

Mom:but Mavis told me you going to be at Bahja's to study

Yn:*clears throat*um yeah,but me and Bahja decided to go study at Jada's instead

Mom:hmmmm.well dinner be ready in 20

Yn:where em twins at?

Mom:in their room

Yn:ma can I ask you somethin?

Mom:yeah sure

Yn:if you and pops where still datin and you prepared a surprise party for him and when he arrived to only find out that he was cheatin on you with the bitcheast bitch alive!(mind my language) what where you gonna do?

Mom!whoooooooow!That bicth will wish that sperm should have defused before it met the egg that made that bitch!

Yn:*laughing out*you serious ma?

Mom:*laughing*Truly speakin,I would just walk away

Yn:you not even gonna fight for your man?

Mom:clearly if his cheatin wit some rachet hoe theres nothing to fight for

Yn:what do you mean?

Mom:It means he didn't respect our relationship or me,so it aint worth fighting no more!!


Mom:Yeah!you see what I mean?


Mom:why ask

Yn:no reason just wondering,thanx mom!

You go upstairs and go to the twins room.

Aww I never told you?You have twin lil sisters who 4years younger than you and they too foward bout everything,but you love em anyways!

    >>>>>>>The twins room<<<<<<<

Yn:hey you guys


Leagh:where have u been

Leaghana:and don't be tellin us bull that you were at Bahja's to "study"

Leagh:that can fool ma

Leaghana:but not us

Yn:how did you...

Leagh:We called her

Leaghana:and appearently all your Friends are at the mall

Leagh:and had no idea where u were

Leaghana:and they were surprised you weren't at home

Leagh:coz you told em you had an "assignment"to do

both Twins:where you been exatly?

Yn:ok fine you got me *and told em everything that happened from school till the party in fast motion*

Twins:*look at each other stare back at you and again and again and again looking confused*HUH?????????

Yn:*than tell em in a normal motion*


Leaghana:wow!I feel so sad for him

Leagh!that must have been painful and ambarassing huh?

Leaghana:like who that bitch that has the guts to cheat on a hottie like Jay?

Leagh:she the most idiotic hoe in the history of idiotic hoes ever!

Leaghana:she don't know how she had it good?

Yn:tell me about it

Leag:like I would ride that nigga's dick any time

*They high5  and laugh*



Leaghana:stop it Leagh,Yn gonna get forgot?

Leagh:aww Yeah!I forgot Yn got the hots for Jay

Yn:uhg!stop it guys *blushes*

Twins:oooooh!mrs Perez

Yn:what?!nah!Imma beat y'all up now

Leagh:you know you can't deny it

Leaghana:but look sis,this is good for your side

Yn:what good?

Leaghana:Jay's breakup,its a good oportunity for you to get into his pants

Yn:who said I wanted get in his pants

Leagh:like who doesn't


Leaghana:ok you not,but what Im saying is he goin through a rough  break and all you can be is his shoulder to cry on,his ears to listen and his pillow to lay  on

Leagh:after that BANG! you in

Leaghana:and you know what is his pillow huh

Leagh:*holding up her cleavage*yeah!

Yn:y'all guys are just mad crazy af,Im just gonna be a good friend and be there for him


Leagh:Friends to lovers!

      *Dinner is ready*

Yn:lets go eat and stop being crazy *all laughing*

Who do you tell?(a Yn and Princeton story)Where stories live. Discover now