Chapter 6

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Jack J's P.O.V.

I wondered what that was all about. What did Sage's mom mean by, "She is so in-" 

I didn't even know what she was going to say!

I need to tell Jack.

I dialled Jack G's number, and it rang five times before going to voicemail. "Crap..." I muttered.

So I left him a voicemail.

"Hey Jack, it's Jack," I chuckled. "I found out more about Sage. We were talking at dinner, and we were talking about how we were holding up and then she mentioned you, asking how you were. I told her you were holding up, and I wasn't thinking! I'm sorry, I know that gives them the clue that you love her, but I wasn't thinking! Anyways, what she said next was, 'Well, Sage has been holding up too, she was so upset with Jack said those things about her, she's so in-" Just as I was finishing what Sage's mom had said, the voicemail ended. Satisfied that I had said everything I'd needed to say, I hung up and went to go find Sage.

Sage's P.O.V.

I sat outside the house, nearly pulling my light brown hair out. Why would my mom say that? She knows that Jack doesn't know, and I would like to keep it that way! I just have to keep pretending that I hated Jack G, when all I really wanted to do was kiss the life out of him. 

Thinking about it hurts, because I know Jack will never love me back.

"Hey Sage," I whipped around to see Jack J coming up behind me. "What was that all about?" 

I sighed and turned around as he sat down beside me. "Nothing." I said defensively. 

Jack gave me a look that told me he knew I was lying. "Sage, please don't lie to me." he begged, with a little hint of hurt in his voice. That almost made me break and tell him. Almost. 

"I don't like not telling you Jack," I began. I looked up into his blue eyes. "But I'm not ready to tell you yet." I finished, getting up and walking away, with my hands in my jean pockets.

HELLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm back!!

I love this chapter. That voicemail that Jack J leaves will be a huge part of the next chapter :$ I'm not telling you how though.

I hope you liked this! I'll update again tomorrow hopefully! 

I go back to school on Monday, so my posts will be late at night from then on.

I'll try and get in as many updates as possible before then though.

Tell me what you think of this chapter! I take all feedback!

Love you all!

Keep shining!

xx Sarah

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