Chapter 20

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Sage's P.O.V.

I sighed. I really had to talk to Jack J. Jack G had gone for a run, so I could talk to Jack J freely about my emotions without worrying that Jack G would find out. I hopped off of the dining room seat, and headed downstairs to the basement, where I knew Jack would be. "Jack?" I called with a small voice. All this thinking about Jack G was making my head hurt, I was so stressed. I just felt like crying right now.

When you like someone, and then find out they like you back, you should feel happy, relieved, possibly loved. But I was feeling the exact opposite. I was feeling unhappy, worried, and maybe the slightest bit unloved by god. I felt that he was making my life miserable on purpose.

I wandered around the corner and saw Jack J sitting on the couch in front of the TV. He looked up and saw me. "Hey Sage, what's up?" he asked.

I went to go sit on the couch beside him and sighed. "I need help."

After hearing those words, Jack turned off the TV and turned his full attention towards me. "What's up?" he asked again.

I bit my lip nervously. I felt Jack become uncomfortable, and he averted his gaze away from me immediately. That's weird. I wish I could read his mind right now. "Remember when Jack first came here, and we got into that fight? And then you told me Jack liked me, and you told me that my mom told you about my feelings towards him?" I checked.

Jack nodded. "And you denied it." he added.

I nodded slowly. "Well, you were right, I do have feelings for Jack. And I-I know he likes me back... but..." I paused, trying to find the right words.

Jack gave me a look.

I moaned. (no, not in that way ya little nastys ;) ) "I'm scared that if I tell him, then we'll date."

Jack raised an eyebrow at me. "Wouldn't that be a good thing?" he asked in confusion.

I sighed. I guess I'd have to actually explain my reasons to him. I don't know why I expected him to understand in an instant without some sort of explanation.

"I'm scared that with my luck with boys, we'll date for a little while, something will happen, and then we'll break up..." I finished and tried to catch Jack's blue gaze, but he still wasn't looking directly at me.

"So you're scared to lose him?" Jack concluded.

I nodded, letting my hazel eyes search his face for any indication that he knew what I should do. He has to know. If he doesn't know, I don't know what to do.

"Sage... you're right to worry about that. But I can't help you here. You and Jack have to work out your relationship by yourselves, so I'm not going to meddle in it." he told me, standing up and walking away, leaving me confused and feeling down.

Jack J's P.O.V.

I felt bad for leaving her like that, all confused, but I can't stand talking about her feelings for Jack. I know I promised Jack that I would control my feelings around her, but it was getting harder and harder. I was falling for her, and I was falling hard.

The more I talked to Sage, the more my feelings for her grew. Jack expected me to not make a move on her, and to not make a move on her, I'd have to ignore her like Jack did to her for two years, and I couldn't do that to her. I need to do something. I need to talk to someone about it.

Hey guys.

I meant to have this up last night, and I was typing it, but then I came across a tweet that alarmed me, and I had to help the girl who tweeted the tweet. I feel very happy that I did too.

If you EVER feel like giving up, please don't. Talk to somebody, tell your parents, ask them to move so you can start somewhere fresh. Don't EVER think that the only thing you can do is kill yourself, because if you didn't, I'm sure there is somewhere out in that world that would care if you just slipped off the face of this earth.

If you need to talk, I'm always here. Social media is down below.

I love you all, never forget that.

Keep shining my beautifuls.

xx Sarah


Twitter: BrentCameron98

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