Jacob looked back at his farm, he wouldnt miss this place.
He packed his last pack and tossed it onto the wagon, new prospects awaited him on the horizon, all he had to do was claim it.
The king had sworn a large sum of gold to any who would bring him the head of the shadow.
Jeremiah sat next to jacob,"are you sure this is a good idea, closing your farm and going on this stupid hunt?"
Jacob turned to jeremiah," ive always wanted to do something better, something more," he clenched his fists," this is my way out, and with the money, I'll settle in avina."
Jeremiah let out a sigh," fine, but when this fails, and you comeback, don't come crying to me." Jeremiah got up and stomped away.
Jacob closed his eyes, anticipation and excitement causing his blood to boil,' one more day, and the hunt begins.'
Close to fifty men gathered in the town square, the buzz of anticipation coursing through the air.
Randall stood on the stage," quiet down now, we will set out to the greatforest today. I will split you into groups of four and you will surround the forest, cutting of any chance of escape. My twenty men and I will enter the forest and slay the beast, is everyone agreed on the plan?"
The crowd started buzzing with dissent, and a huge man spoke up," will you split the prize money with all of us?" He questioned.
Randall turned to the man," of course I will, if and only if, I manage to slay the beast, and I expect you will share the prize money with everyone here as well, should the beast flee into your grasp?"
The man nodded. Randall spoke up," then it is decided, we will leave come dusk, that should allow us to reach the greatforest by dawn."
Jacob watched the knight as he retreated to the town hall, then turned his gaze to the inn, he had alot of preparation to do.
Jacob sighed, the men he had been grouped with were total mongrels the lot of them, they were drunk half the time and fighting among each other the other half.
He saw the line of trees just as the morning sun rose above it, the greatforest.
Jacob pulled on the reigns just as the wagon neared the forests, forcing the horse to a halt, the three other men dismounted and started setting up camp.
This was going to be a long hunt, Jacob hoped the prize money would be worth the next few days of belligerence, and he highly doubted it, with a sigh he went to work on his own tent.