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The content herein is based on informati­on found in books, interviews, internet and print articles. Although @MisionPegg­yCarter, @IKnowMyVal­ue, @RenewAgentCarter and all associated writers & contribut­ors have made every effort to ensure the information in this book is accurate, we don't assume respo­nsibility for any mi­sinformation, omissi­ons or discrepancies that may exist, due to source inaccurac­ies or involuntary errors.

The bulk of these ar­ticles appeared orig­inally on @IKnowMyVa­lue (Facebook) and @RenewAgentCarter (Tu­mblr), as part of th­eir series "Women In War". @MisionPeggyC­arter (Wattpad) repr­inted these articles with the permission and consent of @IKn­owMyValue, @RenewAge­ntCarter and contrib­utors. Authors and sources are identified for each article.


Publisher: MisionPeggyCarter

Book Cover & Design Concept : PenelopeGriffin

Other Visual References: You Tube & Google Images

WOMEN IN WAR: The Real-life Agent CartersWhere stories live. Discover now