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Door and door again Edward tried to find his next class. After staring at Mason for almost the entire class period he left in such a rush he left his schedule on his desk table trying to remember the number on it he mainly tried looking for his sister in any of the classes around he thought it should be.

He groaned becoming confused about where he was going and what he was looking for. He was so perplexed and not even sure if his class was on the first floor anymore. He eyed around quickly in the last few classes in that hall knowing that the bell was going to ring shortly.

"You left this in class."

Edward jumped and squeaked before turning around to stare at who was talking. He turned and looked up at the other who was only a few inches taller than him but taller nonetheless. It was Mason, and that's when Edward stared at him again but this time raising his eyebrows in confusion.

"Are you following me?"

"Actually I am, for a good reason though." He smiled the same awkward smile he had the first time Edward saw him as his hand went to reach behind his neck to scratch it.

He stared at him as his face went from confusion to impatience.

"You left your schedule and I saw that you have the same class as me and as it seems you don't know where you're going. I can take you there."

He seemed sincere but Edward was still on edge. He took his schedule from the other carefully and nodded. Mason had turned around and hummed, "This way Edward."

Edward followed behind Mason silently and looked him up and down from the back. He hummed at the sight realizing the other was taller than he was and looked to be the complete opposite of himself. While he was thin and kind of lanky but Mason, Mason had a build. His shoulders were broad and his thighs had some muscle. Edward couldn't tell the fit of Mason's torso because it was covered with a sweater but he was sure it had a definite figure. His hair had soft curls that fell, they just swerved down and covered the undercut Mason had in the back.

He hummed once again while he stared at the guy in front of him up and down eyes lingering on some places longer than others.

It was short but just a simple, "Edward we're here." Had him jumping in surprise. He looked up just in time before he had almost collided with Mason many of the people still walking to class had stopped to stare at the two. Most of the girls snickered and focused their attention on Mason who was looking at Edward. 

It was weird how they constantly ended up looking at each other until something broke it. It happened time and time again but this time it wasn't as simple as a bell ringing or a forgotten paper. This time it was a person, a person with a similar built to Mason but maybe a tad bit taller by an inch.

"Hey Mason, whos your new friend?" the unknown guy spoke his voice rigid and stiff in an undefining way. It was like he was trying to intimidate them but be kind at the same time. It seemed strange to Edward but he looked at him normally.

"Oh, hey Luke this is Edward. He is new and I'm helping him out because we have the same class," now that was a tone Edward was comfortable with it was nice a little deep but relaxing.

"Yeah, I saw him and his sister earlier this morning wanted to say hi but I guess they had other places to be."

Edward froze for a moment and zoned in on the one whose name just happened to be Luke's face. "You're that guy."

Mason looked between them over and over trying to find out if this was a good or a bad thing. "You two know each other?"

"Not exactly." Edward was straight to the point before looking back at Mason, "I'm going to go in now."

The New Boy {Short Hiatus I'll be back}Where stories live. Discover now