(15) Vows (Part 2)

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TRIGGER WARNING : Don't follow anything this chapter says. Life is worth living. You are worth it. Never do something permanent to fix something temporary. Life has so much more to offer.

Prompt : Rydel and Ellington were in R5, however, they also went to high school.

Rydel's POV

I was completely sobbing when Ellington finished his vows. 'How is one so good  and poetic with his way of words?' i thought to myself. I had to quickly pull myself together to recite my vows next. 

I cleared my throat, as i took Ellington's hands in mine. 

"Ellington, 7 billion people on this planet, yet i had the splendid privilege to fall in love with you. Words cannot even describe my love and my feelings for you. I cannot even comprehend with the fact that you are finally mine. You are so perfect. We may have graduated high school together and my band mate, but you are so much more than that, my love. You are my best friend, my partner in crime, my partner in life and obviously - the love of my life. Never did i imagine, standing up here, marrying the love of my life - mainly because, i never thought i would be alive up until this point in my life." 

I paused momentarily, as gasps of shock and murmurs, invaded the church's atmosphere. Ellington's eyes widened with realization filling them. He knew what i was talking about. 

My voice quivered with anticipation, as i held onto Ellington's hand tighter, "September 2, 2013 is a date i will never forget. This is because, that was the day i attempted suicide." 

Even louder gasps lit up the whole church's atmosphere. The 'oh my goodness'!', 'oh my gosh's' and 'holy crap's!' were very evident and could easily be heard. 

"At the time, i was fighting my inner demons of insecurities and taunts of suicide, while at the same time struggling with my bulimia. With my bulimia, i was already incredibly underweight My social media was flooded with so much negativity. People told me that i was 'fat', 'ugly', 'stupid', and 'pig-looking'. People were telling me to 'go kill myself', to 'lose weight', to 'slit my wrists' and to 'go die'. And then i thought to myself, if i cause so much trouble, hatred and problems in the world, why exist. Why be the cause of the problem? So, i decided to end it. I slit my wrists and swallowed a whole bottle of prescription, drug pills." 

After that paragraph, i was emotionally unstable. However, i quickly, yet again, pulled myself together, to get through my vows. 

"Because of the reaction to the pills, i obviously painted. To my luck, seconds later, Ellington rushed to the bathroom because he heard me 'thud' on the floor from downstairs. Luckily, i forgot to lock the door, and instantly, Ellington burst into the bathroom. He quickly picked me up, and dialed 911. Next thing i know, i woke up in the ER." 

I locked eyes with Ellington, especially for this part in my vows, "That night, in the ER, you were the only one who knew about the situation because i told you to keep it between us. Throughout the night, you never left my side. You asked me about everything. After that, you told me you loved me." 

Aww' s echoed in the church. 

"You told me, that life is worth living and that i was worth it. You told me to stay strong, and remember that you love me. You made me feel like i was worth more than i actually am. And on that same night, i told you i loved you too, you gave me my first kiss and we became official. Ellington, not only did you fix me, you saved me."

My lips trembled as my salty tears coated them, "Ellington, i know that people criticize us for getting married young. I mean, we're only 19 and just graduated high school last year. And even though we're still in college, getting through life, i couldn't be more sure of a decision than deciding to spend the rest of my life with you." 

"Ellington, i can't wait to start a new chapter of our lives together. I can't wait for us to be parents and to grow old with each other. I am ecstatic, to spend forever with you by my side."

"Ellington, never in my life have i been so happy and so grateful for you. I never thought, that i would be so happy. And with that, i thank you for being my happiness. Thank you for teaching me that a home is not four walls and a roof, but the person who means most to you. Ellington, you are my home. Thank you for teaching me, that love like ours, is worth saving myself for and waiting for. Now, i stand here, today, at the happiest state of my life, marrying the love of my life. For as long as i'm alive, i will cherish you with all my heart. I promise to be 100 per cent faithful to you throughout out whole marriage. I promise, to never give up on you, on us, and on our marriage. I promise, to never forget, how strong my love for you is. I promise, to be your shoulder to cry on. Lastly, i promise to love your mental and physical demons, inside and out. I, Rydel Mary Lynch, am helplessly and crazily in love with you." 

I stood there, tears streaming down my face, as my hand and Ellington's hand interlocked as if inseparable. 

The priest cleared his throat, even wiping a small tear from his face, began saying, "Rydel and Ellington, those were truly beautiful vows. Now, let us continue on with the ceremony.,Now Rydel, please repeat after me," 

Ellington and i stood face to face, as the becoming of one neared. 

The priest began, "I, Rydel Mary Lynch" 

"I, Rydel Mary Lynch"

The priest continued, "Take you, Ellington Lee Ratliff, as my lawfully wedded husband" 

"Take you, Ellington Lee Ratliff, as my lawfully wedded husband" 

The priest spoke again, "In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer"

"In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer"

The priest stated, finally, "till death do us part"

"till death do us part"

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