THIRTEEN- Fuck Everybody

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YES, THE COVER HAS BEEN CHANGED. Also, it's crazy how many of y'all harassed me 4 an update but NEVER comment and vote 😴 Idk about y'all but I cannot update when I feel like ppl don't like it lol. I don't waste my time.

I'll try 2 update more tho, comment & Vote


I'm surprised Jirani wasn't playing me. We're in his car not talking at all but some old Drake songs are playing. "What did you tell that fat fuck to make him allow you to take me?" I ask, breaking the silence between us. "I told that nigga I'm taking you to the club to get you familiar with having to sell pussy." he answers. My eyes widen. He starts laughing. "Relax. We going to get food, that's it." he assures me.

"So, that bastard wants me to be a prostitute all because of my dad?" I yell. "Calm down. You'll be fine." he says. "How? I ain't selling no gotdamn pussy for nobody. Tell that nigga he finna just have to kill my mothafuckin ass cause I ain't doing that." I tell him. I'm so serious. "You gotta learn when to talk and when not to talk. As long as you got plenty of mouth and acting hard, they'll just keep fucking you up more and more and eventually, they'll sell you to somebody worse or just kill you to get rid of you altogether." he warns me.

"I don't give half a damn about none of that. I don't have anything to do with whatever my dad did to that big belly bandit. I am not selling pussy to pay my dad's debt. Shit, no. You can hang that one up. Only way they'll make money off my pussy is if they kill me then charge niggas to hit it in my casket, period." I go off. I'm so mad right now. He starts laughing a little. "I promise I'm taking you serious right now. You just funny as hell at the wrong times." Jirani says.

I roll my eyes at him. "Me being kidnapped and forced into prostitution is far from funny." I say. "I ain't laughing at that. How you cracking jokes and expect me to not laugh?" he asks. "I'm not joking. I'm so serious. I'm genuinely not about to be a prostitute. Jirani, help me, please." I beg him. "I would if I could but I'll get killed by them." he says, sighing. "How? Don't you got a gun?" I ask. "I do but between me and you, I'm they son." He tells me. "And they heartless. They'll kill my ass just as fast as they'll kill anybody else." He adds, looking straight ahead as he drives.

I raise my eyebrow. "You're their son?" I ask, making sure we're on the same page here. "Ain't that what I said? John and Alicia my parents." He says. I shake my head in disgust. "Let me out of this car or I promise you I'm gonna roll down the window and scream my ass off for help." I threaten him. I don't want to make it hard on him but I mean it when I say I'm gonna act a fool. He pulls a gun on me. "Ion wanna shoot you but I'll kill yo ass if you scream any fucking thing out the window. Before I go to jail, Imma kill you." He says. I know he's serious about killing me but part of me wanna test my luck and do it anyway. I'm in a fucked up position either way it goes and I'd rather die trying than be a punk about it and still end up dying when it's all said and done.

"You're a sick son of a nasty, smelly bitch." I snap on him, crying. I'm so mad and frustrated. "Quit judging me, gotdamn." He snaps back on me. "Bitch, your damn parents are pimping bitches out and some of them are younger than me! One of those fucking girls in that room said she was fifteen years old! You are in the business with your parents so damn right, Imma judge your pussy ass too!" I yell, slapping the shit out of him. He shoves me away from him then continues to drive.

"You throwing a whole lot of insults my way and for what? You ain't ever walked a day in my shoes and you don't know what the fuck you talking about. I have never raped or beat on a woman a day in my life. I ain't my momma or my fuckin' daddy. I damn near don't have a choice but to put up with it." He explains, looking extra pissed off about my comments. I don't care about none of that stuff he talking about. This is my life we're dealing with and all he can do is whine to me about how I've never walked a day in his shoes. "I don't wanna walk a day in those big ass Jordans no way." I say, rolling my eyes at his dumb ass.

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