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(Tord's POV)
(P.S. Tord is an extremely smol and awkward child in this fic. You have been told!)

It was my first day at a new school... I didn't know how things were going to go. Hopefully things would be better here...

I entered the school. It seemed huge compared to my last school, with two stories and long, stretching hallways. Looking around nervously, I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going. Suddenly, someone ran straight into me, knocking me over and making me drop all my things. I picked up my stuff quickly and turned  to apologize, but whoever it was was already gone. I sighed. Off to a bad start already... I thought dejectedly. All of a sudden, a warning bell rings, and I decided I'd better get to class. I'd already gotten my schedule the day before, so I headed off to find my first class, English.

Once I got in, the actual bell rang, and I sat down at a desk. The teacher started talking about the expectations, what we're going to do in the class, stuff like that. I just stared down at the rest of my schedule, wondering how I would find anything else. After a while, the teacher finally stopped talking.

"Alright, you can all chat for a little while," she announced.

I looked around, seeing everyone else begin to talk to their friends. I knew nobody, and I didn't try to speak to anyone. All of a sudden, I heard somebody behind me. I felt a tapping on my shoulder. I turned quickly and stared at the person behind me. He had ginger hair, so bright that it was practically orange, and a large smile on his face. The smile only widened once I looked at him.

"Hi!" he exclaimed. "I'm Matt! Are you new around here? I haven't seen you around, or maybe I have and just don't remember... but anyways! What's your name?"

He just stood there, bouncing up and down excitedly. I don't think he took a single breath between sentences. I didn't answer, and he just waited for me to reply. I gave an awkward, nervous smile.

"I-It's Tord... Nice to meet you...?"

The ginger... Matt, was it? nodded enthusiastically.

"That's a nice name!" he said happily. Matt turned, and waved to another person.

"Edd, come here!" he calls.

The person he was calling to, Edd, walked over. He had chocolate brown hair, and eyes of the same shade. He smiled at Matt. "Hm?" he asked, slightly tilting his head. I stayed silent. Matt started bouncing even more. He gestured over to me.

"Look, Edd, I met someone new!"

Edd turned and looked at me.

"Cool!" he said, smiling at me now.

I smile nervously back. He sticks out his hand, most likely wanting me to shake it.

"Nice to meet you!...um...?"

I take his hand, shaking it rather awkwardly.

"Uh... Tord..."

He smiled again.

"Nice to meet you, Tord!" he says happily.

Matt seems delighted. He claps his hands twice and is bouncing even MORE.

"Yay!" Matt exclaimed.

I awkwardly smiled at him, feeling very out of place here. He grins happily back at me. Then, out of nowhere, the bell rings! I jumped, having not expected that at all, then gave a heavy sigh. This was certainly going to be an interesting experience....

(A/N: Well, this is my first time ever writing a fanfic, and it's based off a role play that I'm currently doing. It's still under construction and developing! Well, I tried! Sorry if it isn't very good! Yep! :,3)

smol. (TomTord highschool au) {[DISCONTINUED]}Where stories live. Discover now