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(Tord's POV)

The bell seemed to last ages, it just kept ringing. I let out a sigh of relief once it finally ended. Matt stood up, got his stuff, and waved to me.

"It was nice meeting you!" he said as he skipped out the door.

Boy, he was cheerful. Just then, I realized that I had no idea where to go, and Matt was one of the only people I knew. I quickly grabbed my stuff and hurried to catch up with him. Luckily, he wasn't too far ahead, and I quickly caught up. I saw Matt wave to someone else, and I turned to look at who it was. The person... didn't seem to have any eyes. Is that even possible? Apparently so.... because there were only black holes in place of eyes. He seemed to be able to see, though... weird... but cool at the same time. The person gave a small wave in Matt's direction, then glanced over at me. I met his gaze for just a moment, then quickly looked away and continued to follow Matt, who had begun walking again.

Matt kept walking until he was at a locker, which I'm guessing was his. I awkwardly stand behind him. I'm not even sure he knew that I was there. He started to unlock his locker, and then turned around to face me.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you there at first!" he said with a sheepish grin. "So... where's your locker?"

I thought about it, then realized I never got one.

"I-I didn't get one.."

Matt looked surprised.

"You didn't?" he questioned.

I shook my head, staring at the floor.

He thought for a moment, then said, "You can go up to the office and ask! I can come with you if you want!"

He seemed really enthusiastic, and I didn't want to refuse his offer... plus, I had no idea where the office was....

"O-Okay..?" I replied quietly. "Just... uh... one small issue... I don't know where the office is..."

Matt nodded quickly. "That's okay! I can take you there!"

I half-nodded. "Okay...!"

Giving a slight smile, I tried to avoid conversation as we walked, and he seemed to get the message, not talking at all. It was weird, having someone else to talk to other than my two dads. (That would be Paul and Pat, yiss)
I wasn't really used to having friends. All of a sudden, Matt pointed up ahead to what I believed was the office.

"There it is!"

I forced a smile. "Uh... thanks..."

He doesn't seem to notice that the smile isn't genuine, and grins happily back at me.

"No problem!" he replied.

I sighed and walked up to the office, stopping in front of it. Gosh... it was big.... and intimidating... I sighed again and entered the office....

(A/N: Yay! Another chapter! About updating, I'm going to try to update at least 2 or 3 times a week, probably more in the beginning. It may get to be less in the future if the role play isn't being developed. But yea! Thanks for reading! :3)

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