Youtuber Tag

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Hey Guys XD SO flute_player_1 tagged everyone who read their here I am...again. It's gonna be a little long, so I'll shut up now.

1. Favorite Female YouTuber?
I don't watch very many female, although she hasn't uploaded in over a year, I'm gonna say Morgan Want. HER VOICE IS SO ADORABLE!

2. Favorite Male YouTuber?
Nate and Dookie (their collab channel), and Your Brand New Obsession/ybnotv/Jake Bateman (my profile pic is actually fanart I digitally drew of him).

3. First YouTuber Subscribed to?
Hmm, I don't remember. Probably Pewds back in 2012. I do remember SkyDoesMinecraft back in 2013 was one of my firsts, as well as his friends. Then Jacksepticeye and CaptainSparklez. I'm actually only subscribed to Sparkleypants and Jackaboy out of all of them. Wow, 4 years can do a lot.

4. Latest YouTube Discovery?
Well, thanks to slothwaukee, who showed me them, Alastair Casey and MilesChronicles are the two YouTubers that I've recently subbed to. OH! And The Hillywood Show thanks to meap95588.

5. Favorite Music Video?
Oh god, of all the questions...I can't even pick a favorite song, let alone a music video...I guess it has to be "All I See" by NateWantsToBattle because it's such a heartfelt song and the music video only adds to the emotion. Or "Sweet Revenge" by ybno (Your Brand New Obsession) because he looks like a creepypasta and his girlfriend is great. (Also the video for "It's Dangerous to Go Alone" by Starbomb is perfect)

6. Funniest YouTube Video?
OoooO it has to be something by Nate and Dookie...but idk what...hmmm Quiplash with Mr.ShadyPenguin or the Mario Party series, those were HI-larious. Or it could be Jack's video "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Yeah, that one made me laugh.

7. Funniest Video I'd Watch on Repeat?
Any Nate and Dookie video ever.

8. A Video That Made Me Cry?
Probably one of Jack's Milestone videos, and I'm pretty sure I cried when I watched the music video for "All I See" for the first time.

9. Favorite Friendship?
Hmmm, well, there's Nate and Dookie, Dan and Phil, Nate and MatPat, Jack and Mark, BrizzyVoices and Thomas Sanders, Nate and AmaLee, Starbot and Vade, ybnotv and Drakestopher, CaptainSparklez and Syndicate, Nate and Mando, and many more. Are Deadlox and Sky still friends? Anyways, I can't choose. NEXT!

10. YouTube OTP?

11. YouTube Pet?
Rylo (Nate and Morgan's dog) or Edgar (ybno's rabbit...even though I think of Pewds' pug when I hear Edgar)

12. Intro?
Game Theory Theme, that counts right? And the Nate and Dookie theme, and Cody Carson's old intro, and Crainer's intro

13. Outro?
Thomas Sanders' and Game Theory, of course

14. Accent?
Crainer's, Dan Howell's, or Jack's

15. Singing Voice?
Nate, AmaLee, Cody Carson, TheDooo, Thomas Sanders, Paint, victhememe, Chrissy Costanza, ybno, Drakestopher, Sam Tsui, Alex Goot, KHS, Dookieshed, Mandopony, Janick Thibault,  Danny Sexbang...they're all great, okay?

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