Stupid Ferret

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     So, it is 12:30am when I'm writing this. I went to bed at about 11:30pm. My parents have two ferrets, Luna (about one year, light colored, one who's gender we assumed) and Bellatrix (or Nyx from me because Nyx is the Greek/Roman goddess of the night and she's evil, just like B, four months, dark colored, little monster). I woke up at midnight, screaming to an unknown sharp pain on my chin. I wasn't sure what was happening, but I pried the little monster off my face and put her on the ground and started balling.
     Okay, before you judge me, imagine if you were exhausted from a long week of not going to sleep until late at night, and waking up at 6am every day, then seeing your 20 year old sister go trough a traumatic experience (don't ask), and you finally got to lay down and fall into a nice restful sleep, but then you wake up, confused as to why your face is stinging, so you scream, cry and pull at whatever was causing you pain and was the shithead. Your mom comes in and you tell her what happened through tears.
     "Can you hand me my phone?" you ask, "I want to see what it looks like." She hands you your phone and you take a picture because you can't see it when your face it pointed up, and this is what it looks like:

     At least it's not bleeding, you think, but you are so overwhelmed with emotions that you decide to update on Wattpad because you needed to get it off your chest

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     At least it's not bleeding, you think, but you are so overwhelmed with emotions that you decide to update on Wattpad because you needed to get it off your chest.

     Thank you guys, if you read this. I just needed to do something, and this was what first came to mind. Forgive me if it seemed a little over dramatic, for I was half asleep and my memories were a little on the dramatic side.
                                        xo Nooby

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