The Truth. Chpt 6

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Brooke's pov

When I got to school this morning Stiles wasn't waiting for me.

Lydia noticed how my face dropped and even though she wouldn't be caught dead with him she knew how much he meant to me. She reached over squeezing my arm. Before turning out the back door and heading to the field.

At practice this morning I saw Scott and Stiles they were talking... And looking at me.

I smiled and waved of course neither boys returned the gesture.

I sighed sitting down.

All the boys minus Stiles ran on to the field.

They were playing their sport and doing their warm ups while I was trying to text Stiles.

Hey Stiles... What's up?? R u mad at me or something?

Hey Brooke, no I'm not mad. I um just need some space rn if U don't mind.

Well did I do something wrong? I don't want you to avoid me. I need you Stiles.

Brooke I need you too, tht's the thing. We r barley ever apart.

Ya Stiles? And what's so bad abt tht?

Nothing Brooke u wouldn't understand.

I read the last message to myself before standing up from the seat next to Lydia.

"Hey sis I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back in a few."

Walking into the school I made my way to the bathroom. I might as well waste my time doing something.

As I curled my eyelashes for about the fifth time I backed up and looked at myself.

A tear slipped down my face as I thought about everything that's happened in the last few months.

"My Bestfriend who I was completley in love with, led me on and then rejected me.

My other Bestfriend is slowly starting to seperate from me.

And a psychotic killer tried to kidnap me."

I said aloud.

"Well I know the last one isn't true."

A voice behind me said.

I turned around to see none other than the Derek Hale.

"Why are you here?"

My voice coming out shaky

"Don't worry I'm not here to kill you... I'm here to help you. I'm positive you aren't sure what I'm talking about, but something wrong with Scott and I need your help."

"Dude, there are a lot of things wrong with Scott and I'm not about to be helping fix them."

His face looked angry and broke from the inviting smile he had on minutes ago.

"Listen Brooke, he needs my help."

I rolled my eyes at his comment

"Why on gods green earth would Scott need and or want your help."

I realized I said the wrong thing when he came closer to me. I was backing up until I was against the wall. He put both arms against the wall trapping me.

"Scott's a werewolf."

"HAHA, your funny, now move let me out."

I tried to push him aside but he wouldn't budge. When I leaned back against the wall and looked up at him his face was contorted.

"And so am I."

Derek and I were now pacing down the hall way. His Hand wrapped around my wrist dragging me to the locker room.

"See Scott for yourself, if you think he needs me, here's my number, just call if you or him ever need help."

I nodded taking the piece of paper from him.

He then went and pushed me through the door slamming and locking it behind me.

"Scott?... Stiles? Derek said you were in here..."

Then from out of no where Scott came down from the ceiling. He must have been sitting on the tops of the lockers. His back was facing me and I went to go put a hand on his shoulder.


He turned around facing me before I could get close enough to put a hand on him.

His face was different like Derek's was. But his eyes weren't blue, they were gold. He looked at me walking towards me and I walked backwards. Until again I was pinned against a wall. Although this time the guy looked like he was going to kill me.

Scott let a low growl come out from his mouth as he looked me over.

He then opened his mouth showing his teeth... Well now fangs.

"Scott, please, please no."

I put my hand up on his face as stiles ran around the corner.

"Scott please stop."

Stiles shrieked.

"Hey Scotty listen to me I'm right here." I said putting my second hand to his face.

He looked down My hands now palced on his shoulders.

When he looked back up he was back to normal. A smile broke out onto my face as He pulled me into a hug.

I looked over to see Stiles holding a fire hydrant. He looked at me and a frown came across his face. He put the fire hydrant down on the ground.

I dropped my hands from around Scott and ran over to him. Pulling him into a hug.

"You have a lot if explaining to do mr." I said tears still falling from my eyes.

"You both do." I looked back at Scott who gave me a knowing nod.

Soooooo everyone I know I updated a day late but hey if I had posted last night like I said I was going to you wouldn't have gotten the locker room scene which I think was pretty interesting. I mean now we know that Brooke is one of (if not the only one of) Scott's anchors. I think that's a big deal!!!! Ok so comment, vote, read!!! Follow me and I will be sure to follow you back!! Thank you all so much!

P.s I got my belly pierced today and I love it! ok haha that's it!

-Hailey xoxoxo

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