Chapter three - irresistable

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Anika mustered all the courage she could and walked into oberoi mansion with a fake smile plastered on her face. Her meeting with her friend Rohit had not gone well. . He did not take the news of her marriage lightly. He accused her of several things and asked her why she got married in the first place when she always denied ever wanting to get married to anyome in the past. He seemed heartbroken. Anika tried to explain the circumstances in which her wedding took place but he wouldn't listen. Before leaving Anika pissed him further off by saying-
Look i now how you felt about me and i also know you thought that i never wanted to settle down and i didn't . The truth is that i have never felt anything for any man other than my husband. So if wasn't married to him, i would have probably never found someone i love the way i love him.

Hearing her talk lovingly about her husband increased his firy but he tried to compose himself and asked anika not to leave but Anika wouldn't listen so he tried to stop by grabbing her hand and pulling her towards him. Anika immedietly pushed him away and ran out of the restaurent in tears. Had it been anyone else who had tried touching her she would have torn his hands apart but this was Rohit. The guy who she grew up with . Anika had always thought of Rohit as a brother and loved him in a brotherly way but after that day she was sure they were never going to meet ever again. Especially if Shivaay found out. There it was - Shivaay Singh Oberoi was a part of every aspect of her life. There was time when Anika didn't had to take anyone's feeling into account and di whatever she wanted but things were different now. There was someone whose opinion mattered to her alot .

Anika was still thinking about whether she should tell shivaay what Rohit did or not. Finally she decided not to. Shivaay already had his family to think about. His lottle sister's marriage had shaken him to the core. Anika found it funny that she was officialy an Oberio but never felt part of the family. She knee that she was loved deeply by many members but  a part of her also knew that she was still considered an outsider by a few. No matter how hard she tried to show her loyalty someone always found a way to demean her. That someone was  usually pinky. But that's what attracted Anika to Shivaay in the first place - his never ending love and trust in his family. Anika knew that Shivaay could never see the evil part of pinky and part of her also knew that she might have to leave him forever but that day was not today.

She walked into the kitchen with a wide smile on her face and greeted her husband. She prayed that shivaay wouldn't be able to see through her fake smile but her prayer remained unanswered.

Shivaay immedietly rushed to anika's side . What's the matter Anika? Were you crying just now? Is this about yesterday or did something happened today asked shivaay hastely. Just like that his anger at Anika for going to meet Rohit vanished into thin air. He could never stand to see his wife hurt.

Shivaay what are you talking about. I am absolutely fine anika lied through her teeth.

Don't lie to me Anika. I think i know my wife enough to know that she is upset. You went to meet your friend Rohit na? Did he say or do anything that hurt you ? Asked shivaay with a tinge of possessiveness.

Shivaay no . Rohit and i had a great time. I am just a bit tired and i am sorry about today morning. I shouldn't have rushed out without talking to you properly Anika apologized with a guilty tone.

Then why did you. I mean you were only going to meet your friend right. Did you think i'd get mad or stop you shivaay asked seriously.

Let's see last time i talked about rohit you smashed my phone so i wasn't really optimistic about you being okay with me going to meet him.

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