Chapter 9

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The next morning Shivaay woke up with a huge smile on his face. He couldn't wait to see his wife again. He was mad at her - so mad to be precise - and he would eventually take out his anger on her bit beforr that he needed to make sure that she was okay. He was convinced that there was something wrong otherwise she wouldn't have taken such a job . Of that he was sure.

There was a knock on his door . Shivaay are you there ? Came his fiance's annoying voice . I'll be out in a few minutes yelled Shivaay making a mental note of breaking things off with her.

He went downstairs for breakfast and was greeted by everyone . But the person who wanted to see was not there. He looked at his watch and wondered why she was not there yet. She was after all am employee. He sat there waiting for her to show up impatiently but to no avail. Suddenly fear crept inside him again. What if she ran away again. What if something happened to her or Sahil. He decided to go amd find her but before he could leave he was surrounded by his fiance Sheena.

Shivaay where are you going . Everyone is going outside to the shack for drinks . Let's go na.

I have to do something important Sheena replied shivaay with disdain in his voice.

Omru knew why their brother was acting so impatient. It was because of their bhabhi Anika. They knew that they both were together last night .

Bhaiya trust me you'll love this Shack their drinks are amazing said Rudra as if he was almost begging Shivaay to come with them to the shack. Rudra knew very well that Anika was probably working at that shack.

Before Shivaay could do anything he was dragged to the shack by his overly eager brother followed by everyone else. On reaching the Shack it was clear why Rudra wanted them to go there so bad.

There was she was standing at the bar in a flowery top and jeans. She looked so beautiful and precious. All he wanted to do was take her to to his room and never let her leave. Ever.

Anika looked at Shivaay with all the courage she could muster and asked him what would he like to have .

You came shivaay's reply... i mean what would you suggest added Shivaay after being reminded by Om that Sheena and Shaurya were also with them.

Before Anika could say anything , Shaurya cut in and said - I'd like a sex on the beach do know how to make it right. While saying this he was checkimg her out from head to toe which did not go unnoticed by Shivaay.

If it weren't for Omru's hand constraining him he would have mudered Shaurya right there right then . Control yourself Shivaay whispered Om in Shivaay's ear.

By now Anika was busy making all the drinks. She passed the drinks to each of them one by one. When it came Shivaay's turn, their hands brushed agains each other and time stopped. He stood there gawking at her for minutes before she told him to go where everyone was.

He wanted to ask her why but stopped himself. He knew that she  wouldn't want to discuss their relationship in public.
When will i see you asked Shivaay with trepidation in his voice.

I don't know yet. I'll let you know when i am free. Please go now said anika in a begging voice.

An hour later everyone headed to the pool except Shivaay. Shivaay on the other hand paid the manager off and told him to make Anika his butler. Every guest was assigned one. The manager argued that this was not the job Anika was trained for but stopped when Shivaay dangled a generous amount of cash in front of him.

Shivaay headed towards his room with a hint of mischeif in his kanjhi eyes. He knew that he she would give him an earful for this but he didn't care. He wanted her to spend all her time with only him. Of one thing he was sure, no matter how much time they would spend together it could nevee be enough.

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