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Charlie and I just get each other, we always have. We've known each other since we we're little, and practically grew up together. There's always been something between us, ever since I can remember anyways.

As both of our families are sitting around the camp fire, she keeps texting somebody, smiling every time she brings out her phone. I pull out my phone and said a mass text message to 6 girls, and put my phone in my pocket and wait for a reply.

"Nash! Let's go for a bike ride!" Yells Jake, Charlie's older brother.

"Yeah, sure!" I say trying to sound excited, but truthfully I want to spend time with Charlie.. alone.

We hop on our bikes and head to the park making small talk. One by one the girls texted me back, and I ignore them all.

"Who's texting you?" Jake asks laughing.

"Nobody," it takes me a little while to come up with this, so I know he can tell I'm lying. My mind keeps drifting back to Charlie.

Once we get to the colourful jungle gym, we meet up with a few others guys and play manhunt. I'm lucky and not it, so I go hide in the bushes near the back of the field. I hear two girls giggling and quickly coming towards me.

"You go there I'll go here.." She whispers while pointing towards me. Her friend nods and scurries away.

One of the girls crouches down beside me, and gives me an surprised look.

"Aw shit didn't see you there," she's whispers, " I'm Siena"

I smile, she's pretty hot. "Hey I'm Nash and it's okay! Lay down." I order.

Jake walks by completely missing us, which is a huge relief because I hate being it. Siena keeps inching closer to me, every time she moves closer I discreetly move away. I don't want anyone other than Charlie. I'm laying on my side when I think I see someone so I panic and lay on my back. Siena pounces, and throws one leg over my legs, she hops on me and starts kissing me, hard. She's grinding her core on me, and I get into it. Suddenly I remember Charlie.

I roll her off of me and get up, quickly dusting my legs off, and jog over to my bike. I hop on it and race back to my campsite.

Boyfriend or Bestfriend (Nash Grier Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now