Chapter 2:Family Time

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DDZZZZZ.. "Oh, shut up!" I yell when my phone starts vibrating. 10:07 a.m. 1 unread message.

-Mariane:Child services Is here to pick up addison, get over here now!

-Me: Ok, I'm on my way.

I get up and get dressed, Today's my day off. I head into the guest room, where se's sitting up curled into a ball, with tears rolling down her face, "Hey, don't cry" I say stting down next to her.. while trying to comfort a crying 2 year old. "Go home!" she starts crying

"Ok, let's go home!" I say picking her up. and heading into the kitchen after breakfast, we headed back to the hospital. (It's so quite) I say to myself, and take a quick peek in the rearview mirror to see Addison hugging her bear tightly.  I park the car and grab Addison out of the back and head inside

"Over here!" says an old lady when we walk through the sliding entrance doors. and waving at us, while she sat in the waiting room. "You must be Doctor Coleman." she says

"Yeah, that's me" I say looking around.

"so i'm gonna need you to give me Addison," she says holding out her hands. I give her Addsion.

"Thank you, Have a nice day, " she says and the starts toward the exit, I see a tear run down addsion's face. "WAIT! I yell.

That's when she stops and turns around. I run toward them. "What's gonna happen to Addison?" I ask curiously "She's gonna be placed in foster care," she says and turns around and starts walking again.

"Wait! just here me out!" I yell again "I'd like to adopt Addison!" I yell

She stops ,and slowly turns around, and looks at me suprised, as of why I would like to adopt a child.

"What?" she asks "I'd Like to adopt." I say softly

"You? a Doctor? how so?" she asks rudely.

"Well, idk.. she deserves better." I say scratching my head

"How old are you? she asks

"I'm 29 " I say

"Well, It's a long process, so I suggest you head down to my office. " She says

"Ok," I say running toward them.  grab Addsion, and start for my car.


3 Hours later>>>> I'm sitting in the waiting room holding addison, since she fell asleep in my arms When the C.S. lady walks in "Ok, we came to an agreement, you have one week to prove to us that you are suitable for Addison. " she says handing me the paper work. "OK, thank you so much!" I say standing up, and heading to the car. >>>>>>>

After getting home, I let Addison sleep, and decided to watch some t.v. I sit down on the sofa and my phone starts ringing. I pull it out of my back pocket. -Mom Call-

I answer. Hello Mother,

Hello, sweetie, I just wanted to know what you have planned for today?

Nothing, Just gonna relax,

Nonsense, everyone's coming over for barbecue in an hour, come on over!

Come one Mom!

No, Your 29, you need to get out, all you do is work.

Fine, I'll be there,

Ok, see you soon!

Bye, and I hang up. I stick my phone in my pocket grab the t.v. remote and turn it off, it flikers off and I stand up and walk to the kitchen and grab a can of Monster, and chug it down.

I head to my room, to get changed, I grab a black v-neck top for A & F, cargo pant's, and gell my hair, and head into Addison's room. I stand in the doorway while I see Addison talking to the teddy bear.

When she looks up, I head toward her and pick her up. We head to my BMW parked outside, since my parents lived about 40 minutes away in the suburbs, Addsion needed a car-seat, so I decided to make a quick stop at the baby store. After buying her a car-seat, bed, clothes and toy's of her choice. Since I had nothing to feed her, and since she was only 2. I decided McDonalds was the place to go, I got her a Happy Meal After we ate inside, I got her dressed, into a pink flower dress with a blue sweater and flats with a pink bow in her hair, And after installing her car-seat, we started toward my parent's house.>>>>>>> I picked  Addison out of her seat "we're here" I say walking up onto the front porch, The door was open, I looked around non-one was around. I head into the kitchen "Helloo," I say when I see my mom. she turns around. her mouth drops open. "who's that?" she asks shocked

"This is my daughter Addison," I say smiling at her, She walks toward us. "Since when?" She asks

"Since today" I say and look down at Addison who was shying off. 'Let's go out back," she says taking Addison from me. and walked onto the deck out back, "Mom, Who's that?" asks my sister Bianca when she see's Addison. "This is Addison, Jessie's Daughter" She says grinning

Her eyes go wide "WHAT! "she says

"SO where's evreyone else?" I Ask

"On the way," my mom says sitting down on the patio chair.

"Where here!"I hear my brother Drew yell, I turn around to see my brother, and sister-in law and there 4 children. Nicole=4, Bryan=5, Kyle=2, And the newest addition Dahlia=5 months (I was the oldest, my brother was only 25, and the've been married for 6 years now.) "Hey, bro" I say when Drew walks out onto the deck. "Who's this?" he asks my mom. "This is Jessie's Daughter!" she says grinning

"What?" he to asks shocked. "Yup, Drew, this is Addison! " I say taking her from my mom. "Addison's parent's died, So I adopted her" I said "FInally, So your getting married now?" he asks

"Not Quite, I'm single." I say looking down at Addison, "Ok, Let's eat!" my Mom says getting up.

After we ate, we decided to take the party inside, The kids, played while we talked. I told them about Addison, and everything that has happened. when Addison came running into the room, "Booboo" she said holding up her finger, I kissed it and she ran back to play "AWW how cute," My mother said looking at me "Mom, Please." I say looking at her seriously. "What! my oldest soon is finally growing up! " she says "What do you plan on doing with Addy while your at work?" my sister-In-law asked

"Um. I don't know yet" I said pulling out my phone. 8:03p.m. "It's late, I gotta put Addy to sleep!" I said getting up. "Thanx For everything Mom, Dad." I said picking up Addy and walking to the door, "No problem, Come by more often!" they both said, as I walked to my car.

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