Chapter 8~Finn Hall

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Our trip to the Bahamas did not last long enough. I start school tomorrow.

I not only start school, I start high school—a new school with new people.

"Denver, did you brush your teeth?" Jack asks peaking into my open bedroom door

"Yeah" I answer

"Kay, go to bed love you," he says, turning my lights off

" Love you," I reply, snuggling into my warm blankets.

~ time skip~

"Watch out asshole," Finn says to me

Rolling my eyes, I continue reading, trying my best to ignore him. I'm sitting in third period right now, which is making my want to try cliff diving. Finn has been making my life a living hell since about 5th grade, every school year, I get the great privilege of dealing with his entitled ass. 4th period is the class I have Andrew, so I'm anxiously counting down the minutes. Finn wouldn't dare do anything to me right in front of my older brother, he's not even that stupid. Andrew has no idea that this is going on, and neither does my other brothers, its kinda like my own little secret. My own awful, horrible, depressing little secret.

"Hey fag (I really hate this word, but Finn is an ass so he will be using it lol), I was talking to you," Finn says a little louder.

"Just leave me alone, please," I say, stressing the "please."

I mean it's my first day back to school, I don't want to deal with this.

"awh, what are you going to do? Go and tell big bubby on me?" he mocks in a baby voice.

I open mouth to defend myself, but the bell rings. Literally saved by the bell. Not wasting any time, I grab my stuff and rush out the door. Not even bothering to put my stuff in my bag. I apparently should have taken the time to shove my book into my backpack because Jackson, one of Finn's so-called friends, trips me causing my book to go across the hallway. When I get up, he's already gone. This is going to make me late, which Andrew us just going to love. Sighing I go and fetch my book from the hallway and make my way to Andrews classroom

"Where have you been, buddy?" Andrew questions as soon as I get into the door.

"Got lost," I simply say.

I hate it, but I've gotten pretty good at lying over the years. My bruises have turned into "accidents" rather than an after effect of Finn's beatings. I knew Andrew would believe me because it's my first year at the high school.

"Okay well, have a seat, I saved one front and center just for you," he says In fake cheery voice because he knows I hate the front.

Groaning, I sit in the seat.

"Okay, class, my name is Mr.Taylor, and I am your English teacher. The reason y'all have had a sub is, my family and I went to the Bahamas" He says to the class

"Do you have pictures, Mr.Taylor" Courtney White asks. The only reason she's asking is so she can see my brothers shirtless.

"Obviously, but I'm not showing them," Andrew replies.

The rest of the period went on like normal, Andrew did give us To Kill a Mockingbird to read. I have already read it, no surprise there, so it will be an easy week. 5th period is with Mrs.Bindle for Science, and Thank the good Lord, Finn is not in this class. Smiling, I sit down in the back of the room. Since I wasn't here the first week of school, I know nothing about any of my teachers, except for Andrew, of course.

"Okay, class, open up your books to page 34," Mrs.Bindle announced to the class.

Wonderful, I don't have a book. There's no way around having to raise my hand and tell her, but that's the last thing I want to do. Raising your hand means all the attention is on you, and I hate that. Accepting defeat, I raise my hand.

"What is it Mr.Taylor," she asks in a judgmental tone. I can already tell I don't like her.

"I need a book," I say in a soft voice while I feel the stares from my classmates drilling into me.

"And why don't you have yours," she asks

"Because rich boy over there went to the Bahamas," Jared Johnson says.

Blushing, I put my head down. "man I really don't like that kid," I think to myself.

"If you came to school, you would be prepared for class," Mrs.Blindle says, slamming a book onto my desk.

Blushing even more, as if that's possible, I open the book to page 34. The only thing I can think about is how much I don't want to be here. When lunch finally rolled around, I so thankful; I mean, don't get me wrong I love Mr.Smith, but how much can you really talk about the revolutionary war in half a class period!

"Denver!" Someone yells, following the sound I look only to find Jack at the end of the hallway.

"Yeah!" I yell walking towards him

"We are all going to eat in Drew's room today," Jack says, grabbing my neck, leading me to his room.

This is the best news I've heard all day, I did not want to go to the lunchroom. Finn would be in there, and that just means trouble for me.

"Hey little one, how's your day so far?" Ryan asks as I make my way to sit in one of the desks.

"Shit actually thank you for asking," I think to myself remembering Finn

"Fine" I lie

Andrew comes up behind me and sets down a ham and cheese sandwich.

"found a favorite teacher?" Jack asks

"Yeah, Andrew," I say, and they laugh

I'm not kidding but okay

"Have you read To Kill a Mockingbird?" Andrew questions

"Yeah," I say, getting up to grab a water from Andrew's fridge.

"No surprise there" Ryan adds

"Nope," Jack says laughing

"Hurry and eat," Andrew says when he sees me paying more attention to my phone than my food.

I eat until the bell rings, and when it does, I say my goodbyes and head back to 6th period.

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly except for when Finn punched me in the stomach.

That felt fucking fantastic

Andrew said we would meet in his room before going home. After we round up Jack, which took longer than expected because he has a new girlfriend, we get in Andrew's truck and drive home. As soon as I get into the house, I kick my shoes off and run upstairs to my room to change and watch Netflix. Pulling on some pajama pants, I prepare myself to pull my shirt off to see how bad the bruise on my stomach is. As I pull off my shirt, I realize that I really really hate Finn Hall. The bruise isn't too bad, but it's still sore. Pulling on a shirt, I decide to watch Criminal Minds. This year is going to be fantastic. Note the sarcasm.

Edited A/N~ I know I say this everytime, but I hope this is better! Until next time💜

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