Chapter 1

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I didn't realize that there was a seriously cute guy on the other side of my locker door when I was spraying my Frosted Coconut perfume on myself. That's probably why I screamed when he started coughing and smacked the locker next to him.

"Woah gorgeous," he choked out. "I come over to say hi and get perfume bombed. Woah."

I couldn't control how wide my eyes were. I couldn't help it. This guy who's name I didn't know was standing next to me with slightly poofy blonde hair and light green eyes. I couldn't get over his eyes. "S-sorry," I managed to stammer.

He just laughed. "It's okay. I've been through worse." He looked down at me and smiled. The guy was like five foot eight. I was around five three. I was one of the shortest people in our grade easily.

"Yeah?" I surprised myself by asking.

"Yeah... Ever ridden a dirtbike?" He asked. My right arm automatically clutched my left wrist where I had the long jagged scar. My mind flashed back to Aaron. "I crashed one when I was on the circuit. Check out this scar," the guy said as he pointed to his jaw, where a pale pink line stretched.


"Oh," he said. Everything had gotten really awkward and I didn't know what to do. I was about to cry, my mind still on Aaron. 

"I-I gotta go," I muttered and started walking out of the locker banks towards the front door of the school. If I can just get lost in the crowd, I thought. I might be able to lose him. If I can lose him, I can escape without explanations.

First one tear, then another and another slid down my cheeks. I could tell that my eyes were shifting from their usual grey to bright blue. Typical of my stupid eyes to make me look pretty when I was crying.

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