Chapter Twelve: Dr. Ella, The Giver Of Power

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The second the suggestion left my mouth my stomach began to churn at the idea.
"Oh, Cassie." Charolette said giving me a hug. "I'm so sorry!"
"Well, its the right choice. Besides we will save so many people!" I explained with tears threatening my eyes.
"Cassie I'm really proud of you. This is not going to be easy." Jason gave me a sympathetic look from where he was sitting.
"Precisely why you can not do this on your own." A voice said from the door.
I turned to see who it was. It was Dr. Ella.
"Dr. Ella?" Jason asked, his face overcome with shock.
"Yes Jason, it is me." She said, closing the door.
"Ella?" I asked, also feeling shocked and I'm sure you could tell by the look on my face.
"Yes!" She cried out annoyed by us, "How many times should I repeat myself?"
"Umm... Can I ask you something?" Charolette wondered.
"Of course!" Dr. Ella told her with a smile. Probably happy about the distraction from us.
"What the heck are you doing here? How did you get in without a key? And who in Retaw are you?" Charolette cried out.
"I am here to help you. I have been watching you, I read Cassie's mind at the hospital and while she was asleep I implanted a tracking device into her left arm."
I stared down at my arm in disgust. How could I not know about this? I wasn't asleep very long! Or was I?
"I got in," Dr. Ella continued, "With this!" She held up a piece of plastic that resembled a credit card. "A universal hotel key! Also, Charolette, this ain't Retaw. You're in the human world now."
"Right. I forgot." She said quietly.
"So anyway, why are you here?" Jason asked her.
"To equip you for your mission." Dr Ella answered, setting her briefcase on the nightstand. She unlocked it exposing bottles, test tubes, liquids, and needles.
Charolette gasped in fear at the sight of the needles.
"Why do you have needles?" She asked, cowardly hiding under the blanket in fear.
"Because," Dr. Ella explained, "I am equipping you with powers."
She began to remove test tubes and liquids.
"But we already-"
"I know that!" Dr. Ella said, rolling her eyes, "I'm giving you more!"
"How did you kn-"
"I can read your mind." Dr.Ella explained to Charolette.
"So, Cassie your new powers are Telekinesis and ice."
Wow! Move things with my mind and, did she say ice?
"Yes, ice." She explained, "You can create and control ice."
She pulled out a serum and a needle. She began pouring the serum into the needle.
"I uh don't really do needles." I explained to her.
"Well! Suck it up princess!" She said and picked up the needle.
"I'll hold your hand!" Jason volunteered, walking over to me. He grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes.
"Ok." I said confidently, "I'm ready."
"Alright." Dr. Ella said, "3..2..."
Jason began stroking my hair and I focused on him. Just him. My super cute boyfriend standing in front of me, stroking my hair and holding my hand. The one who loves me. Really loves me.
"You're  done!" Ella said.
"Really? That was easy!" I exclaimed victoriously.
"Yeah because you were all goo-goo-eyed at your boyfriend." Charolette said in a sing-song voice.
Jason gave her a look and she immediately looked ashamed. "Sorry." She muttered.
Jason gave me a big hug, "I'm so proud of you Babe."
"Thanks." I told him, "but I couldn't have done it without you."
"Alright Love Birds." Ella said, "Lets test her powers. Cassie, move that lamp. All you have to do is focus."
"Ok." I said. Focus Cass, you can do it. Move the lamp. Move the lamp. I chanted over and over, and the lamp began to levitate.
"Woah!" Charolette cried out.
The lamp immediately crashed to the floor with a loud shatter. It broke into a thousand pieces.
"What happened?" I asked Ella.
"You stopped focusing." She said, as if it was the simplest thing ever.
"I can't!" I yelled at her, "I'm ADHD! You wouldn't understand!"
"I would, actually." Ella answered calmly, she took a jar of pills out of her case.
"Here." She said, handing them to me. "Take one, it helps focus."
"Ok." I said cautiously, I took one and swallowed it without water.
"Now try again. Sweep up the lamp pieces, just extend your hand and focus on cleaning it up."
I extended my hand and focused on sweeping up the pieces of the shattered lamp. They began forming into a big blob and then they took the form of a lamp.
"Woah!" I cried out, "I'm good!"
"Now breathe on it." Ella commanded.
I took a big breath and blew on it. Ice crystals formed on it and then they disappeared leaving the lamp in one piece.
"Dudes! My girlfriend can move things with her mind!"Jason cried out.
"And freeze things!" I said laughing.
"Ok, Jason your turn. Your new powers are force field and camouflage."
"Sweet!" He called out pumping his fist in the air.
Ella loaded the needle and I held his hand.
"I know you don't need it-" I started.
"Well it sure don't hurt!" He said, smiling at me.
She gave him the shot and he didn't even wince at the pain.
"Because I have you." He said, reading my mind.
"Come on! Just focus on disappearing." Ella said to him sternly.
"Ok!" Jason said. He began to blend into the bed almost disappearing completely.
"Good." Ella said approvingly, "Now Cassie fire your gun at him. Jason take your hands and pan them out in front of you."
"What?!?!" I cried out. "You want me to fire a gun at my boyfriend!!!"
This lady is crazy!!
"Yes! He can do it, this power is pretty hard to mess up."
"It will be fine!" Jason assured me as he turned back to normal.
"Alright." I finally agreed. He began to pan his hands slowly in front of him and a blue electric force field appeared. I pulled the trigger on my gun and closed my eyes. I heard the bullet and the sizzle. I slowly opened my eyes.
"Woah!!! That was sick dude!" Jason celebrated, "The bullet just... melted!"
Whelp. That explained the sizzling sound!
"Last but not least!" Ella said, smiling at Charolette. "Charolette, your new powers are," Ella stopped talking and listened, "Footsteps!" She whispered, "Hide the stuff!"
I quickly put the gun under the TV stand and sat next to Jason on the couch.
Now I too heard the footsteps, as they approached the door Ella and Charolette dove into the bathroom. Once we heard the hand on the door Jason grabbed my face. "Get ready." He said, smirking at me.
The handle turned and Jason pulled me closer to him. The door opened and he kissed me. Not like a peck on my cheek either. He actually kissed me!
"Oh, um." The hotel security said. Jason continued to kiss me but I pulled away.
"Sorry sir I accidentally dropped my bag off the bathroom counter a few minutes ago." I explained as Jason stared at me.
"Oh that's okay." The guard said, looking relieved to be able to leave the awkward situation. "Enjoy your stay." He closed the door and walked back down the hall.
"Y-you kissed me!" I squealed, blushing.
"Yeah and I would gladly do it again!" Jason said still smirking, "You know what? I think I will do it again!"
He grabbed me again and with that I found myself kissing him yet again.
Charolette and Ella walked out of the bathroom and once Charolette saw Jason kiss me she squealed, loudly.
"He! You! I! Ahhhhhh!!!!!"
Jason and I both began to laugh.
"You should've seen the guys face!" Jason said laughing.
"Now," Ella said looking at Charolette, "Your new powers are size manipulation and magnetism."
"Cool!" Charolette said excitedly.
Dr. Ella grabbed a pre-prepared needle and Charolette sat on the bed.
"I'll hold your hand!" I told her. Walking over, I grabbed her hand, "You got this!" I encouraged her.
"Are you ready?" Ella asked her.
"Why are you being so nice to her?" I asked Ella.
"Because she is so small that if she isn't ready it could seriously hurt her."
"Oh." I answered.
"Yes." Charolette interrupted, "I'm ready."
"Ok." Ella said, "3...2...1..."
Charolette squeezed her eyes shut. She winced slightly at the pain.
"Done!" Ella told her, "You did great!"
I gave Charolette a hug "I'm so proud of you!" I told her.
"Ok, Charolette focus on making yourself an inch tall." Ella commanded her.
I could visibly see Charolette squeeze her eyes and then she began to quickly shrink.
"That's so cool!" I said.
And within seconds she was reduced to an inch.
"Grow again." Ella told her.
She began to grow and was quickly back to her normal height.
"This time," Ella began, "Extend your hand, palm out, toward the sink."
Charolette did as she was told and the plug flew across the room and stuck to her hand.
"Woah!" She cried at her new power.
"Looks like my work here is done."
Ella began to pack up and started toward the door.
"Thank you Ella." I told her.
"Your welcome. And good luck."She said and just like that she was gone.
"Guys," I said, "You realize what this means? It's us three against the world."

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