"It doesn't have to end this way (Y/n)"

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*3rd person pov*
You were stunned, head down, hair in your face and griping the knife. Frisk grinds his teeth wiping his eyes of the tears in them, "Chara! You will pay!" Frisk charges at Chara with a massive wave of determination fuling him. Though, no matter the strength behind him,Frisk couldn't damage Chara enough to make a difference. Taking notice of the situation Frisk is in you try to get up to help out Frisk, but you didn't notice that Chara had finally taken notice of your change of demeanor and taken to his ghostish form, bailing out of the fight and towards you, Frisk missing him again, looks around confused. "What?!? Chara where did you go you coward!?!" When you look around for him after hearing this from Frisk, you feel a sharp pain at the back of your neck and it all goes black as your knees buckle underneath you again.

*Chara's pov*
I move (y/n)'s limbs and back to make sure that I didn't damage her nervous system when I hit her in the back of the neck with the handle of my knife. Then, with a slight but hardly noticeable distortion of her voice I spoke. "Ha! I'm perfectly fine! Great!" Frisk looks visibly disturbed at my sudden outburst and hardens his face looking at me as I make eye contact with him. Snaping out of his daze he starts yelling at me. "So your hiding behind her?!? Hu?!?! You coward! Using her to save your physical form from damage!" With each sentence Frisk comes closer and closer, I smirk and laugh as I twirl my knife aware that the eyes which are now (Y/e/c) with a heavy red glow were the dead give away. "Oh, Frisk...... Frisk, Frisk, Frisk. Don't you know the meaning of strategy? She's much stronger then you, and we both know it.~ Besides, she's going to rid the world of scum like you and all the monsters with me! We agreed to this!" I rushed him in the close proximity we were in and took a slash up with the knife smiling wide and looking gleeful. Though I knew this couldn't continue forever, I have to end it quick or she will overpower me when she wakes.

*Frisk pov*
I gritted my teeth avoiding the slash they quickly took at me. I can't let myself get hit anymore, I don't have any healing items anymore and can't afford to lose. I quickly dodge back and forth  in an attempt to figure out what to do, from what I saw earlier she was really unstable so I'm not sure whether or not she really is in partial control right now or not. So I can't afford to hurt her either, maybe if I took action? I look around to figure out where my ACT button is and locate it at a far corner of the room, as I dart towards it I am nearly pinned by a (f/c) (signitureitem). My eyes widen as a expertly dodge them in and out to reach my ACT button but right before reaching it, the Chara possessed (Y/n) teleports in front of me and blocks my way, grabbing hold of my ACT button and teleports back to the middle of the large buttercup patch in the room as if mocking my efforts to ACT. Grinding my teeth together I prepare to make my way back to the middle of the room. 'wait (Y/n), I can help you if you just let me...' I think along the way.

*Your pov*
You groan as you hold the back of your neck looking around the black area. "ugh.... What... What happened...." you feel a large chill down your spine as you hear a weird mix of beeps and signals right behind you. "W-who is th-that?!? Wh-ho's there?!?!?" You yell standing and  looking around. "☟︎□︎🕈︎ 👎︎♓︎👎︎ ✡︎⚐︎◆︎ ☝︎♏︎❄︎ ☟︎♏︎☼︎☜︎ 👍︎♒︎✋︎☹︎👎︎✍︎ ✡︎⚐︎◆︎☼︎ ☠︎□︎❄︎ 💧︎◆︎🏱︎🏱︎⚐︎💧︎♏︎👎︎ ♌︎☜︎ ☟︎♏︎☼︎☜︎..." When you saw these strange symbols pop up around you and couldn't find the source you were a little frightened by it, but once you started to examine the picture like text you realized is was adjusting to something you could read. Eventually it read out, "HoW DiD YOu GeT HeRE ChILD? YOuR NoT SuPPOSeD bE HeRE..." You took a step back confused. "What do you mean.... I'm not supposed to be here?" Then, you bumped into something. With a startled yelp you jump forward and round on the object you bumped into. Looking up you start back a bit at the large towering figure of what looks like used to be a skeleton.,though there were two large cracks in his skull and his mouth was jagged. Not to mention his hands were just floating with no seemingly visible anchor. He took one of them and pointed at me. "DO NOT BE AFRAID CHILD... I WILL NOT HARM YOU." You read from the floating symbols that seem to appear when he talks, accompanied by the beeps and signals again, which you believed to be his voice somehow. It sounded kind of like a computer from 1980. Taking a deep breath before calming down, you ask him where you were exactly and who he was. "MY NAME IS W.D.GASTER, AND YOU ARE IN WHST I CALL THE VOID. DID SOMETHING HAPPEN TO YOU CHILD? PERHAPS AROUND THE CORE?" You shake your head in response. "I'm not exactly sure Mr.Gaster..... all I remember is.... Is...." You sits down for a moment, not quite sure of what you were going to say. "I.... I don't remember Sir...." Gaster puts a hand to his mouth covering it as though he were thinking, and he hums seemingly gliding around you as he examines you, seeing that a faint multicolored light emitting from your whole body. "WELL CHILD, YOU STILL HAVE AN INTACT HUMAN SOUL SO YOU CAN NOT BE IN ANYWAY DEAD FROM A CORE ACCIDENT. (THOUGH YOU DO HAVE A RATHER UNUSUAL SOUL AS MANY ONLY HAVE ONE COLOR, OR ATTRIBUTE.....) COULD YOU BE PHYSICALLY SEPERATED FROM YOUR BODY?" Then his face drops to a displeased look, "POSSIBLY THE WORK OF THAT DEMON CHARA...." When you hear the name Chara you visibly stiffen. "C-chara?" You ask looking up at him in question.  Gaster replies with a simple nod. "IF THIS IS THE CASE, WE MUST TRY TO GET YOU BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, IF YOUR BODY NOT IN YOUR CONTROL WHEN OR IF YOU DIE, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO GO BACK TO IT AND CHARA WILL HAVE TAKEN YOUR PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE." He explains and you jolt to your feet. "I-i have to get back! But how do I do that?!?!?"  You turn to Gaster for an answer. But he just shakes his head no as though to say he did not know how to leave. "Then what do I do?!?!? I want to get back! I want to be in my body right now!" You yell out to no where in particular, only to hear a faint voice, trying to break through, your eyes widen as you start to see a small light appear just 400meters from where you are. You eyes widen happily and you turn to Gaster to try and bring him with you but found that no one was there. "What? But I could have sworn...." You murrmur till your ears pick up light yelling in the distance. HOPE runs through you, quickly making you forget that W.D.Gaster even exist, and allowing you to remember what that inky black darkness kept you from remembering. "I have to reset this whole world! I have to make things right!" With DETERMINATION and HOPE running through you, you sprint as fast as you can towards the light even though you run right into a very strong blocking force. "Oh come on! Seriously!?!?!? Can't I ever get a break!?!?!?" You still push on strong though struggling to keep going.

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