Chapter 4

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Maria POV

When Jack stopped me he asked me if he can have my phone number. Of course I gave him my phone number. In the inside I was freaking out but the outside I was cool. I put my name which I put Maria😈 And Jack put his name Jack 😘. I saw his name and I just giggled. "Bye text you later" I said hugging him and he hugged back. Anais just whispered MACK MACK MACK MACK. Oh I can't wait for her to tell the rest. (Not)

-Skip car ride-

Anais ran inside the house and yelled "GUYS GUESS WHO HAS A NEW BOYFRIEND!!!" " Let me guess not you." Denis said. "NOPE MARIA LOOK MACK IS REAL!" the boys just looked at her confused. "Ok who is mack?" Asked Alex "Maria and Jack" she said calming down. "AWWWWW!!" They said I just smiled and rolled my eyes. I went upstairs. I got a text from Jack.

Jack😘: Goodnight
Maria😈: Goodnight noodle head 😂
Jack😘: 😐😑

I turned off my phone and went to sleep.

-next day-

I felt jumping on my bed and it was all the boys looking at me. "Creeps" o said to them. "WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME!!???!!?!?" They all laughed I just rolled my eyes. Those dudes are not ok. I got ready for the school day and got a text from Jack

Jack😘:Good morning
Maria😈: Morning

I got dressed into this. Today was finally the last day of school! So that means our break is today also.

- Skip school-

We had a last band meeting about when we will have tour and the next album. The tour don't know yet, our manager will have to decide. The album will be named.... It's Only the Beginning or It's Just a Dream. Now that we stared our break we have no idea what we will do.

Sometimes we sing some of our old songs. But it's different from singing to a lot of fan girls. The guys decideto go to the skateboard park. We all graves our skateboard that had O5 and our name on it. When we got there we started to do tricks and all. Til I saw a lot of girls running towards something I don't know. I started to get a clear view and it was Jack. Then a while all the fan girls left. The boys were doing some tricks the other side and I did some tricks the other side. Til Something taped my shoulder, and saw Jack. "Hey Maria!" He said "Hi Jack!" I said "So you skateboard?" He asked. I nodded. He showed me some tricks and we really had a great time. I looked around and didn't see the others. Yay they left me... I stayed for another 10 mins till we both left. We skateboarded back home. I opened the door and yelled "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU GUYS!" and heard footsteps running away. I ran upstairs and jumped on Denis. And the others ran away good thing I had rope and duck tape😜. I duck taped his mouth and put some rope around him and sat him down on the floor. I ran and saw Alex hiding and he didn't see me so I triped him and put rope around him and duck tape his mouth and sat him down with Denis. Next, Blake, he was running everywhere I was hiding behind the couch and he stopped I got up and got on top of the couch and jumped on his back. Rope around him and duck tape his mouth again, and sat him down on the floor with the others. Ok I got Denis,Blake,Alex, Next Chuy. Chuy was hiding behind the counter and I got on the counter next to that one and got off and triped him rope around him and duck tape his mouth AGAIN!! I took him to the room with the others. I got my phone and took a picture.

@O5Maria: OMG What a great way to start our 2 month break 😂😜🤘!

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@O5Maria: OMG What a great way to start our 2 month break 😂😜🤘!

Alex wanted to talk so I got the tape of his mouth "can you get us out?!" He asked "yea sure NOPE sorry"

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