A New Beginning

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(Tasha's POV)

I woke up to an uneasy feeling in my stomach for the third time this week. I laid there for a minute to see if it would just fade away, but it only worsened. I groaned and rolled out of bed. The room is spinning as I stagger toward the bathroom. I fell to my knees at the toilet, barely making it. I hate to call off work again, but I feel so weak. If I do go, they won't let me in the field and I'll be stuck doing paperwork or something. Normally, I start to feel better by the evening, but we'll see how today goes. The sound of my vomiting must have woken Reade because I heard him shuffling around. Just as I stood up, thinking I was done, it happened again. Reade walked in yawning and knelt down next to me. He pulled my hair behind me and asked, 
"Again? Isn't this like day three now?"
"Mhm.." I managed to mumble. 
"Shouldn't you go see a doctor or something?" 
A doctor won't be necessary, I know exactly what I need to do. Poor Reade is so oblivious. I cleared my throat and said,
"No. I'll take care of it, don't worry."
Finally finished, I stood up to rinse my mouth and brush my teeth.

"Whatever you say, babe."
He stood up to kiss my cheek and went to get ready for work. I figured I'd wait at least 15 minutes after Reade leaves to go to the drug store. It's pretty clear what's going on here, to me. I missed my period this month too. We had discussed kids before, but that was months ago. I'm guessing Reade forgot that conversation. I'm trying so hard to contain my excitement, I want it to be a surprise. He's so cute when it comes to kids. He's going to be the most perfect father in the world. I walked into the bedroom to change into something else. I grabbed one of Reade's button ups out of the laundry basket, it seemed comfortable. I don't think he'll mind, I laughed to myself. I stripped from my clothes and pulled on his shirt. I buttoned the first 4 buttons from the bottom. Reade walked in to say goodbye, but stopped dead in his track when he saw what I was wearing.
"Do you know how expensive that is?" 
I'm finding this rather amusing.
"Well, is it worth more than my well-being?" 
His draw dropped and he stuttered over his words, totally caught him off guard. 
"I-I I didn't- That's not what I-" 
I burst out laughing and walked over to him to give him a big hug.
"It's okay," I said looking up at him with a huge grin on my face. "I won't get it dirty"
He kissed my forehead as he said,
"Yeah, okay." He chuckled, "I gotta go. I'll stop by later and bring you some soup. I love you, rest up."
"Okay," I kissed him, "I love you. Go save some lives." 
We hugged for a little longer before he left. I sat and watched clock for 15 minutes. When the time was up, I put on some leggings and finished buttoning up the shirt. After I put my shoes on, I grabbed a bottle of water and headed to the drug store. It was a nice day outside, perfect day for a walk. A perfect day to confirm my pregnancy, too. I couldn't help but smile. I'm going to have a little human running around my home that's going to look like Reade and possibly act like him. I can't wait to see him hold it for the first time. After about 10 minutes, I arrived at the drug store. I bought a box of 3 tests, I'll use them all just to be sure. The lady who checked me out smiled the whole time. 
"Good luck!" She said, handing me my bag. 
"Thank you." I smiled back at her. 
I got back to the apartment and held the box in my hand. I am so ready for this, but I'm also quite nervous. I could just have the flu or something. Ugh, let's just get this over with. I grabbed a bunch of water bottles from the kitchen. I walked into the bathroom to test the sticks. Number one tested positive, I smiled. I drank two bottles of water and waited. I had to start thinking how I was going to tell Reade. I tested the second one, positive. I giggled and put my hands up to my face. I drank three more bottles of water and waited. I could act all serious at first and then spread the news. Or I could be all smiles and keep him waiting. I could just come right out and say it. There's so many possibilities. I tested the third stick, positive. I jumped up and down with excitement. This is great, this is just great. I hid the box and pregnancy sticks at the bottom of the trash and went to check the time. I have about an hour before Reade brings me some soup. I decided to nap to kill time. I took off my leggings and unbuttoned a few buttons on my shirt. I crawled into bed smiling. I sighed and fell asleep thinking about the new life ahead of me.
I heard the front door close and keys hit the counter. I opened an eye to check the time. He was a half an hour late, not that it really mattered because I was asleep anyway. I remembered the news I have and jumped out of bed. I stretched and walked, sort of quickly, into the living room. 
"You're home." I said, trying not to smile too hard. 
"I am, with soup." He held up the paper bag in his hand. I took it from him and set it on the table. I walked over to him and kissed him and kissed him good. The love of my life is now the father of my child. I couldn't ask for anything more. 
"Should I bring you soup more often?" Reade mumbled and laughed under his breath. 

"You could try that.." I said and giggled. "I've got some news."
"News? What kind of news?" 
"Well, it's good news." My smile kept growing and I was swaying back and forth with him. 
"What is it? He laughed. "Tell me."

"I'm pregnant." I said it quickly and kind of quiet. He froze as he processed what I just said. 

"You're.." He smiled. "You're p-pregnant?" He tried to control his laughter at first, but then he couldn't help himself. He hugged me tight enough to where my feet were off the ground. He spun me around still smiling and laughing and I joined in with him. 
"You're pregnant." He said and I nodded in response. 
"I'm a dad."
"And I'm a mom." 
"We're parents." He said and we kissed. 

A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now