Prologue Two

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    (This is before Salkara had her wolf ears and tail)

   |~| The Previous Midnight, in the Forest |~|

   Salkara stood still, hardily moving. The only thing that could be heard was her rapid breath. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail, and she wore a green short sleeve shirt, along with black shorts. She heard the group that was chasing her whispering fearfully in the distance.

    She had known trying to escape would be risky. For nature's sake, nearly everything for her had been dangerous for the fourteen years she had been alive. Well, give or take a few years. She was granted no sunlight or even a clock when she was prisoner.

    Yes, prisoner. Once she was born she had been taken by force to be used as a science experiment. It wasn't like she was treated poorly; Salkara was just treated with little respect. The main scientist was very kind and gentle. Yet he was determined to keep her as an experiment. Why not anyone else?

    "There it is!" One of the people searching for her said in an obnoxiously loud whisper. "Capture it!" Fine then, time for round two, she thought, grabbing her oak staff from her back. She had crafted it with some of the materials she had found scattered around the lab. an infused emerald hovered in the hook of it, infused with her own magic. 

    The first scout attacked. Like all scouts or rescuers, he was wearing white leather armor and was armed with a stone sword. She blocked it, back flipping to prevent engaging weapons. Another person attacked her from behind, but she formed a forest wall, a wall made of logs and had leaves at the top. The first attacked jumped, aiming to hit at her head with the side of his blade.

    The nature weaver parried, her staff held in both hands. Before he landed, she pushed forward, sending him flying. She only blinked as another attacker rushed forward. blocked it again, then noticed this was no scout. It was a full-on warrior, dressed in iron armor with an iron sword. And when there was a warrior...

    Whizz! An arrow nearly caught Salkara's head as she, out of instinct, blocked it with her bare arm. It was quite a dumb move, she thought feeling a liquid form on her arm. Taking this opportunity, the warrior lunged at her. She swiftly rolled backwards, stood up, and smiled. 

    She looked up to where the arrow was shot. There was an archer, dressed in green leather armor, a bow and arrow in her hand, aimed at the teen. Suddenly, she pushed herself to focus on her other surroundings. She looked around. The warrior was in front of her, the two scouts to her sides. The archer behind her.

    "Come on." The warrior said in a deep voice. His brown eyes where warm, but she couldn't see his other features due to his helmet. "You're beaten, it's pointless to fight."

    Salkara only rolled her eyes. "Come on, Steve was it?" The warrior looked astounded that she remembered his name, "I need to stretch my legs. Besides, I may be down, but not out." She launched herself at Steve, her staff held like a sword in her injured right hand. He blocked her overhand attack, kicking her in the stomach. She turned being kicked back to rolling back gracefully. 

    One of the scouts did an overhand, when the other did an under hand. Salkara jumped up, a tree emerging under her. The two found themselves attacking a tree rather than the girl. Seeing the archer start to aim another arrow at her, Salkara held her right, staff arm back and her left arm aiming at the woman. Closing her eyes, she shot mini blocks of sand at her opponent.

    Then, she felt her breath taken out of her as she was tackled off her tree. Steve had landed on top of her, his sword to her neck. "Kff," She gasped. "You're on my arm. You're making me crush it."

    "Oh, sorry." He loosened his grip on her so she could face him. "You'll follow us. I honestly don't want to knock you out, I'll feel bad." Salkara looked at him desperately. She knew he felt what he was doing was good, but it wasn't. He was a guard. He had been trained at a guard school along with other guards. Guards do what the government thought was good. "So, how about once we get back, we forget about this ordeal?"

    Salkara looked to her fallen staff. It was on the other fourth of the area surrounding the tree. She didn't need it to summon her element, per se, it just had some of the effects after. She put her hands to the ground hardly. Leaves came out of the ground and formed a barrier between her and the guard. "What the-" He asked, jumping off her.

    Completely closed off, she grabbed a few of the leaves and wrapped it around her wound, after taking the arrow out. Once she had finished taking care of it, she stood up, her leaf hideout expanding up. Then, she closed her eyes, absorbing the leaves.

    Reinforcements for them must have arrived. Warrior's swords where pointed at her from all directions, archer's arrows from behind them. "Sweetie... You've lost. Why did you even bother trying to leave?" A familiar voice boomed. "When the experiment is nearly done too..."

    "O'Brian." She said, "I simply needed to stretch my legs. You don't exactly let me outside. A breath of fresh air does good." She winked at him, acting playful.

    Professor O'Brian sighed, "You always where an adventurous one. I guess the ocelot can't tame the wolf."

    Salkara giggled, not noticing his peculiar choice of words. "Nope! Grr grr!"

    ~ A/N~

    So that was fight mixed in with a bit of playfulness. Woof! You know I had to. In this chapter, you saw some of Salk's (Salkara's) fighting moves. And learned a bit of her backstory. Anyway, updates for both this and my other book, T R A P P E D are both uncertain due to real life. Also, I know this was less than half of what my chapters mainly are but at least it's finally up after having you wait. Also I don't know why I added Steve into this... random idea?


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