1: Pain

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Warning: abuse and trigger scenes

It was around 10pm as I finished cleaning up at the diner. Since my mum died, my elder brother went missing and my "father" became an alcoholic. Every night he'd come home drunk and sometimes he wouldn't even come home. He started abusing me two months after my mum died. He said I looked to much like my mother.

I had dark tanned skin and very dark brown, almost jet black hair. I had no facial features that stood out. My eye colour was a bit weird. They were a dark brown, that you couldn't tell was brown unless you were in the sun. I inherited most features from my mum. Maybe that's why he says this, because his and my brother's eyes were both bright blue. My brother is a carbon copy of my Him. They both have pale skin, light brown hair and bright blue eyes.

I work at Flynn's Diner because He only has one job at a petrol station. I also babysit to earn extra money for "college"even though He uses all my earned money on drugs, weed, cigarettes and beer. In reality, my earned money is for him, and to keep our house stable. My money is from the gang that I lead.

I also street race and fight. My gang is the most feared and strongest in the world. We are the Silver Horses. Though, everyone knows me there as Rose, my middle name. The only person who knows this is Jordan. He's like my elder brother and we love each other so much. We go to the same school, Riverlake high.

At school, I am bullied and tormented by everyone around me. This is because I also wear glasses plus I'm smart.

Don't blame me if I want to get somewhere in life!

Jordan is popular and we don't socialise in school due to my request. He's a jock and he doesn't deserve to have me taint his popularity status. We agreed (well, I had to hold a gun to his temple, of course it wasn't loaded... okay, maybe it was but pshh details!)on this together.

I locked up Flynn's for the last time and walked down the road to my house. This was the last time I'd be working here since I've decided to quit because I have enough money and I needed to focus on my studies too. I was quite worried because it's a good 20 minute walk from here to my house. Plus, the house (I say house not home) is in the bad part of a neighbourhood.

As I walk, I pull on the hood to my black Everlast hoodie and keep my hands in my pocket.

I feel someone's presence around me and turn around. I look around to see nothing. I pull my hood lower so it covered my face and felt through my hoodie pocket to find my gun. I pretended to adjust my black adidas high tops to check if my dagger was still there. Luckily it was.

As I reached an alleyway, I stopped and stepped in.

" Whoever is there, come out now!" I shouted.

A tall buff guy with light brown hair brown eyes that were bloodshot.

He must be high, I thought and rolled my eyes.

"Well, the little girl has come out to play." He slurred and pinned me against the wall.

He was just about to pull my hood down but I caught his hand first. I kicked his chest and he stumbled back, his hand still in my grip. I pinned his front against the wall and bent his arm back until I heard a sickening crunch followed by his screams.

"Never mess with Rose" I whispered in his ear putting an accent on the 'o'. His eyes widened in realisation.

"S-sorry! I d-d-didn't kn-know! P-please don't hurt me!" He whimpered.

I just cackled and pushed him. I then walked away to His house. I opened the door as quietly as I could.

Yes! I thought, only to be faced with a chest that reeked of alcohol and weed.

"Where the fuck were you!" He yelled in my face. I scrunched up my nose at his disgusting breath.

"I-I had to close up the diner," I gulped.

"Yeah sure, I bet you were having a groupie you worthless slut!" He yelled and slapped my face. He then punched my stomach making me fall to the ground the continuously kicking my ribs.

Why don't I defend myself, you ask? Because even though I hated to admit it, under all that alcohol is my father, and a broken man. Plus, if I reported him in, I would go to an orphanage and I can't risk being separated from my gang. Ever since my brother left and my father turned left, they became my family. Luckily, I'm in my senior year in highschool and I turn 18 in two months.

Two months, I recite in my head and try to endure the pain. Not just from the kicks, but from his words as well. Even though I manage to hide my emotions and tears, when I'm alone I let it all out.

I screamed when I heard more cracks and he stopped kicking. He walked into the kitchen.

Probably to get another beer.

I dragged myself up the stairs into my room. I locked the door and walked to my bathroom. I lifted my shirt, only to see a giant bruise on my right side.

Definitely fractured.

I opened a cabinet and took 3 Advill. I then took a tube of numbing cream and spread it over my bruises. I'm experienced in first aid, from my gang, fights and sadly from abuse. I opened a drawer to reveal my razor. I grabbed it, slid down my bathroom wall and cried my heart out. This was the first time in two months that I'm doing this again.

Why me! It always has to be me! I miss my brother, I miss my mum, my "dad" has turned into dick! Why did you leave me mum! And it's all my fault....

With all these thoughts running through my head, I lightly cut my arms, enjoying the pain. I cleaned the cuts and climbed onto my bed. I have school tomorrow, then I have to go to the gang house to settle a "deal".

School is just as bad as home. I go there and get hurt by words. I just keep hoping that no one notices my pain. As I drift off to sleep, a thought I kept shielded away in the back of my mind pops up.

I wish someone would notice....

* * *
Hey unicorns! I would love your feedback as this is my first story ever!

Don't forget to...




Bye lovelies!😘

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