13: Sweater Weather

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"Today, I will be giving out your assessment for dance." Said Haley. I was sitting in our school's dance hall next to Brett as we listened to our teacher. She is really nice and fun, and finds it too formal to call her by her last name, so we decided to call her by her first name. "You will be assigned a parter of the opposite sex to choreograph a routine to a song of your choice. The dance has to be original and can be any dance style. You will be performing in class this Monday which means that you will have the weekend to do it." Groans went around as students talked about how their weekend was ruined. "This will be worth 50 percent of your final mark for the year. If you aren't ready by Monday, I will get fucking mad and you will fail. The head of drama and music plus myself will asses your performances. I suggest you take this shit seriously as it goes towards your WACE marks as well." Everyone began murmuring in excitement about their partners and what they should do. "I will be choosing your partners." Haley cut in causing our class to groan. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ashley, who I was ecstatic about being in the same class with, approached Brett. She sat next to him and snaked an arm around his neck.

"I really hope that we are partners... because I have something in mind if we are," She bit her lip. I shuddered at the thought of what she wanted to do as well as feeling jealous of the close contact.

"Uh, yeah." Brett said glancing at me. I groaned and Ashley's head snapped to mine. She was about to say something but got cut off by Haley announcing partners.

"As I call out your names please collect an assessment outline sheet from my desk and go find a space in the room with your partners. Kylie and Jack, Grayson and Poppy, Lexi and Blake, Naomi and Bennett, Macy and Sam, Ashley and Ryder," they smirked at each other and I rolled my eyes, though I was slightly relieved. "Kanya and Brett, Lola and..." she went on. I took the sheet from Haley's desk and went towards where Brett chose a spot.

"So, you can chose the song then help me with the choreography." He nodded.

"I know exactly what song!" He exclaimed and handed me his earphones. I put them in and he pressed play. My eyes lit up at the throwback song. I hummed in agreement.

"I think we should slow it down, so we can get more feels?" He suggested.

"Yes! And maybe even change the backing track and.... I have a great idea, but I'll tell you later. Come to Jordan's place after school and we can start choreographing. He nodded and packed up his things. I did the same and we both met up with the boys, Grace and Maeve for Cooking. Only for cooking, they combined the year 11 and 12 classes since not many from both years did cooking ATAR. We entered the classroom and waited for our teacher to assign our partners.

"Okay, Maeve and Luke at bench 1, Cole and Liam at bench 2, Kanya D.J. Brett at bench 3," I sighed and walked over.

"I swear, we are getting paired up for every subject!" I nodded.

"Grace and Sofia at bench 6," Sofia? Who is that? I looked over to see a new girl. She had brown hair that slowly turned to a gorgeous red at the tips. I'm guessing she was in yet 11 since Maeve and her exchanged smiles. You could already tell by her alertness that she had the same craziness as us. I smiled at the thought and walked up to their bench. I leaned in to whisper in Grace's ear.

"Get her to sit with us at lunch," Grace nodded and smiled. Sofia looked at me and I sent her a friendly smirk.

"I'm-" I began but was cut off.

"Kanya, I know." She smirked. "You're the one who slapped that hoe Ashley the other day. Great job! Although next time you better get me to join." I chuckled.

"We'll see you soon." I waved and sat with Brett. We made some small talk as we waited for Ms Leanne to speak.

"Good morning class, I'm sure you've all been receiving assignments from your teachers, if you haven't then you definitely will soon. Your assignment for cooking is to create a three course meal with dishes from a country of your choice." The class started murmuring in excitement. "You will be working with your partners by trying out dishes and experimenting, which will be done as homework. The written section is writing down your recipes which will be done in class. That is all for now. Your guidelines are coming around. Please get to work." She finished and clapped her hands twice. I turned to face Brett.

"So, what country should we do?" I asked. He contemplated with me as we tried to decide. Finally I got an idea in my head and he did too. Before I could speak he interrupted me.

"I know you have an idea, so on three we will say both of our together. One, two..."

"France!" We both said and burst out in laughter.

"French cuisine it is!" He smirked at me. We spent the rest of the lesson deciding on what we should make. We said to meet up at his house after school today so we could organise our cooking and dancing.


I walked into the cafeteria for lunch with a skip in my step. Today has been pretty good so far. I'm happy with my partners for subjects, I got 98% percent in my last maths test and they made fresh chocolate chip muffins in the canteen! I waited in line with two muffins and a chocolate milk. Call me greedy but muffins are yummy! I paid for my food and proceeded to walk to our table.

I halted in my step the moment I caught sight of the table. Siting there was Grace, Maeve, Sofia, Luke, Cole, Brett.... and a blonde bimbo who I think her name was Maddy sitting on Brett's lap. I'm not saying all blondes are bimbos, because some of them aren't. My fists clenched as I went up to the table and sat down. I forced out a smile.

"Maddy!" I feigned enthusiasm. "How nice to see you!"

"It's Macy," she scowled. "What are you doing here, sitting at my table?" I rolled my eyes.

"Brett, if you would be so kind to get rid of your bimbo?" I glared at him. He didn't even flinch and had the audacity to roll his eyes at me.

"Chill Kanya, leave her alone." He defended Mad- I mean Macy. I scoffed and turned away to Sofia after muttering a quick 'whatever'.

What is going on, this is not the real me? I can't let Brett push me around because of some stupid feelings for him?

To distract myself, I decided to talk to Sofia.

"So where did you move from?" I asked while taking a bite out of my first muffin.

"Well, I was born in Australia, but we moved to Greece a year ago. My older sister, Nikita and I decided to move back because we missed this place... well more like she forced me. We are basically the same age just she is a year older." She gritted out. "My sister is such a slut! Can you believe she cheated on her last boyfriend before we moved away? That poor guy loved her too!" I shook my head in disappointment.

"I know what it feels like to be cheated on," I mumbled. "Anyway, where is Nikita now?"

"She's sick. Got some viral flu... don't tell anyone but.." she whispered, "she actually has an STD!" I cringed as Grace gagged.

"Ew!" Maeve squealed as she pointed at Maddy and Brett making out. I felt the familiar like feeling when I saw him and Ashley making out at the club.


Oh great. You're back!

I never left...


Just admit it.. you're jealous!







"I AM NOT JEALOUS!" I shouted out loud and stood up. The whole cafeteria turned to me like I was a crazy woman and I mentally shot myself in the vagina. I sat down and proceeded to eat my second muffin, taking a sip of my milk every now and then. Everyone still stared at me.

"What are you looking at?" I yelled and glared at the people I'm the cafeteria. Chatter soon flowed as they got back to their own business. Everyone at our table did the same but one person. Brett stared at me quizzically. His eyebrows scrunching a bit and a slight pout on his lips. I blushed at the stare and went back to concentrating on my food.


Short, I know. Sorry!

Also, soon I'll be posting a new story. It's called Loves and Lies. Check it out on my profile!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2017 ⏰

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